Introduction of New Characters

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Hey guys! Writing Y/n stories are so hard...hereafter I am not going to write Y/n stories, but don't worry this one, since I have started as a Y/n story, I will continue it as it is. I will be introducing a few new characters, I think I've mentioned Seungmin in the previous chapter itself. So read on to find out who he is and who the new characters will be.

Seungmin: Y/n and Felix's college friend. He might look like the topper of the class and he is but he also has another side to him, his mischievous side. He's really good at pulling people's legs. (It's a figure of speech for playing pranks- in case anyone didn't know) He is too preoccupied with his studies and pranks so he doesn't hang out with Y/n and Felix much but they are good friends.

Hyunjin: Jeongin's crush from university. He's the hot, popular student that everyone from the university wants or wants to be. He looks all distant and serious but is very soft and fun if you get to know him. He just doesn't open up to people much because of his hurtful past. He low-key thinks Jeongin's cute but doesn't wanna open up and get hurt again. 

Minho: Jeongin's roommate. He is an year above him, i.e., his senior but they share the same room at the dorm. He's always having his boyfriend over so he shoos out Jeongin all the time. But other than that they are friends. Not too close but they are friends. It's not gonna be comfortable being awkward with your roommate, right? Jeongin talks to Minho mostly to hear what he has to talk about his friends because Minho's friends include his secret crush, Hyunjin.

Jisung: Minho's boyfriend. Takes a few classes that Jeongin does but they both aren't very close because no one really approaches Jeongin. Jisung was curious about Jeongin though because he found it fascinating that Jeongin's dad was a mafia. He wants to be friends with Jeongin but is too busy going on dates with Minho.

Only two new characters as of now! Please comment if you want to see any other idols be a part of this story. I will be adding Chan shortly too. 

I have important exams coming up, I hope I do well! Well, hopefully I do and come back with amazing chapters... if not also, I will definitely be back with new chapters so don't worry. I am not disappearing anywhere.

No. Nothing's wrong with your device or network. I just trolled y'all. Ahahahaha! 

I wouldn't call this a double update cuz this is a chapter that is only introducing the new characters. But look forward to the new chapter that I will publish tonight!

Love you all for reading this! Thank you.


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