Volume 1: Y/n Flowers' Family Reunion

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A man with light skin and dark brown hair lays in a bed. His hair was a high fade with thick textured spikes. His chocolate brown eyes slowly opened to find himself in the comfort of a bed. He slowly gained feelings in his hands as he clenched the empty spot on the bed. Drifting between the midpoint of awake and asleep, he looked at the spot in confusion. "Huh...?"

He slowly looked past the bed to see a picture of him and his girlfriend. They both had their tongues out and their middle fingers up at a concert. The man smiled at the picture before sitting straight up and feeling a coldness on his chest. He looked down and lifted the blanket to see he was naked. "Well...that's something."

Status: Naked

"Never seen your own dick before, Y/n?" A female voice rings out as Y/n looks to see his girlfriend, Kim Pine, walking out of the bathroom after taking a shower. Y/n looks at her unamused.

"I feel like you think you're so funny at times." Y/n said as he leaned back into his bed.

"I am funny." Kim simply says as she walked to her closet.

"I would've liked to take a shower with you, Kim." Y/n teases as Kim out on a shirt and puts on her jacket.

"Then you should've waken up earlier." Kim stated as Y/n started to sneak into the bathroom.

"You say that everytime, I can't be that hard to wake up." Y/n said as Kim gave him an unamused look as the two stared at each other before she spoke.

"You were literally bear hugging me, took me three hours to get out." Kim says as Y/n nervously chuckled. "But, that's what I signed up for when I got with you."

"Hehe, love you too..." Y/n says as he looked around. "Hey, Kim, could you pass me..." Kim threw a black hoodie, white shirt, black pants, and underwear at him. "Thanks,  I'll take a shower and turn make breakfast. Sound good?"

"Yep." Kim says as Y/n started to hop in the shower. Kim finished getting dressed as it was her turn to look at the pictures. One of them was at their high school graduation: It shows Y/n kissing Kim on the podium as the class throws their hats into the air. Kim picked it up before holding it, sitting on the bed and sinking into her bed.

"How did I get so lucky...?" Kim admits, although it's not something she would normally admit. She knew Y/n since high school, and she knew secrets that no one else did.  Y/n hummed his favorite song and turned the knob to turn off the water. He then hopped out and got his clothes on, he looked in the mirror and saw the darkness inside him. Y/n sighed and wiped the mirror fog and saw himself, maybe the other one was better.

Status: No Longer Naked

"It's really quiet out there." Y/n says but Kim was always rather quiet...well when she wasn't in band practice. Y/n looked at Kim, "Kim? Oh, haha. Again?"

Y/n looks at Kim to find her sleeping with the picture. He picks it up and places it back on her nightstand. The man then slips is hands under Kim's back and legs, picking her up and carrying her to the living room. A house like this was not easy to get, even with all the jobs Y/n had. Seriously it's like this man can't stop doing things. Y/n places his lover on the couch before throwing on a apron and began to make some pancakes. The smell wakes Kim up as she looks at Y/n.

"Morning, Kimmy. Sleep well?" Y/n asked as Kim looked at his ass, then the apron.

"What are you wearing?" Kim asked in disbelief.

"Oh this? You like it? I got as a gift from your parents." Y/n says as Kim held her face.

"God, when I said we can handle ourselves, I meant it." Kim said as she got annoyed.

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