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I got an inspiration for this chapter, from this beautiful mdzs AMV dedicated for Lan Xichen. If you haven't watch it I suggest you to watch it. I've watched it for like 10 or 11 times, but still crying over his tragic arc and this beautiful song. :)

Xichen stood in front of Hansi's door, folding his arms, that night the sky was very clear, some juniors jokingly, laughed, especially after the arrival of young master Ouyen, the juniors became more crowded. They passed in front of Hanshi, then Lan Jingyi and Lan sizhui saluted first

"Zewu-jun" Lan Jingyi salutes

"Zewu-jun" followed by other juniors

Xichen smiled softly at them, then they left Xichen, Xichen watched them as they walked away. How lucky they are, even though Gusu Lan has more than four thousand rules, but they can still have fun, and can still feel friendship. Unlike him who had been a educated hard and decisive since childhood, never had friends, only Lan Zhan who always accompanied him, and now Lan Zhan also has a life of his own. Xichen sighed, he then went in and closed Hansi's door, now only he was alone in the darkness, he sat limply on the floor

"Now I'm left alone" he said to himself

He looked at the end of the room, Shou yuen lay neat and dusty there, while Liebing was next to it. Xichen got up from the floor and approached Shou Yuen, he hesitantly picked up Shou Yuen, and with shaking hands he opened it. When Shou Yuen opened, and he saw the reflection of his face on the sword. His face depicts shock, he remembers all the tragedy from the past, Ta-ge's tragic death, A-yao's death at his hands, Gusu Lan was destroyed, everything fell on him, he knocked Shou Yuen down, and he also fell not long after that, he cried while patting his head. patted his chest. "I'm alone, I'm left alone" he held back his tears, pounding his chest, his chest felt tight and he couldn't breathe. He fell on the floor, and his breaths grew shorter. He's in so much pain

'BRAK!' Jiang Cheng barged in Hansi with a frightened face "XICHEN!" For the first time he called Xichen by his name. Jiang Cheng ran to where Xichen had fallen and grabbed his shoulders "Xichen, breathe! Breathe!" Jiang Cheng said frantically "Xichen, look at me!" Jiang Cheng cupped Xichen's face in his hands, and made Xichen look into his eyes "breathe...." he said softly

Xichen couldn't hold back his tears anymore and cried, he cried silently. He's still holding back his voice

Jiang Cheng pulled him into a tight hug "Xichen, there's me.... you still have me.... you are not alone, I am here"

Xichen buried his face in Jiang Cheng's neck "Don't let Wangji know this" the words managed to escape his lips, and he passed out in Jiang Cheng's arms

"Xichen.... Xichen...." Jiang Cheng cupped Xichen's face in his hands, subconsciously he burst into tears when he saw Xichen's condition. He hugged Xichen tightly, he looked up and sighed heavily. He then picked up Xichen and put him gently on the bed and covered him. Jiang Cheng sat under the bed and tightly gripped Xichen's hand "I will protect you forever" he whispered

Suddenly a red string that was on his ring finger appeared, at the same time a red string appeared on Xichen's ring finger and the string fused together. Jiang Cheng smiled happily "you, it's you... it's always been you" he whispered happily, he kissed Xichen's hand, tears streaming down his cheeks