Chapter 7 - Daily life

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- Good morning! Singto spoke as he opened the bedroom curtains. It's time to wake up, have your coffee and start exercising. Singto continued.

The sunbeams that streamed through the window slammed right into Krist's face, leaving it fully illuminated. As he opened his eyes and looked away from the light, he looked at Singto who was holding Myna in his arms. Krist still tried to argue something to stay asleep, but was silenced when Singto said he had slept long enough. Adjusting the bed so that he was practically sitting, he placed Myna on Krist's lap and told him to babysit her while he went to get her breakfast.

It was not long before Singto returned with a breakfast tray for Krist, putting it to bed after taking Myna back. When Krist finished eating, Singto returned to leaving Myna in his lap as he removed the tray and tidied up the room.

A while later, he placed Myna in an enclosure in his room so that she could be close to them, and looking at Krist, he said it was time to begin the exercises for her recovery. Singto advised that Jay, a nurse at the clinic, would be arriving shortly to help him with his exercises, his daily hygiene, and whatever he needed during the day.

The exercises started off lightly and increased as Krist's muscles got warmer. In the end, he was exhausted, but in no time did Singto let him stop or give up. After the physiotherapy session, Singto left some objects near the bed, such as balls and rubber bands, for him to use during the day as much as he could. He warned that the more he exercised, the faster his muscles would recover, but he made him promise to do everything as instructed, otherwise, there could be injuries, which would affect the results obtained. After hearing everything Singto was talking about, it was Krist's turn to talk to him.


- "Shing", can I ask you something? Krist said looking seriously at Singto.

- Sure. Whatever you want! Singto replied.

- Please do not think I am being ungrateful or anything, but... why are you helping us? Krist spoke almost in a whisper.

- Hmmm... someone who is very important to me asked me to help both you. That simple. Once I started taking care of Myna, there was no going back. I just fell in love with her and you... When he realized what he was saying, Singto felt his face flush and tried to hide it, hoping Krist did not notice his slip, when he continued to talk... you also needed my help. But do not worry about it. I do everything with great pleasure.

- May I know who this person was? How did she know me? Krist asked.

- It was my sister. She did not know you guys, but I would not want to talk about it right now. Singto spoke with tears in his eyes. Can we leave this subject for another time? I promise I will tell you everything! He continued explaining.

- Sure! Krist replied, realizing that Singto had been thrilled. Please do not be upset with me. He kept talking trying to apologize.

- Hey... I told you not to worry about anything. Of course I am not upset and I promise I will tell the whole story later. I am just not ready to tell you now!

- Another thing... Do you mind if I keep calling you "Shing"? I know it is not your name, but when I talk to you it comes out so naturally! Krist spoke with a smile on his face, showing two dimples in his cheeks that left Singto even more delighted.

- Since you do not mind me calling you Kit. Singto replied, also with a smile on his face.

- Of course not! Nobody has ever called me that, but I like it! Krist replied.



I cannot call Shing by his right name lol lol lol lol lol Myna, who used to visit me in my dreams, called him that way and as much as I try to call him by the right name, that is always how his name comes out of my mouth. He even thinks it's funny and says he has no problem. He is a really good guy. He is always concerned about how I am and about my wellbeing. His voice always reminds me of the angel's voice I heard while I was locked in that room. When he talks to me, I feel like everything will be fine. Physical therapy is not easy, but he seems more determined than I. Whenever he touches me, I remember the feeling of warmth and comfort I felt in the room when it warmed up and I heard the angel's wings. If I close my eyes, it is almost like I am still in that room. He is always talking and telling stories. I think he is really funny and his smile is really cute. I am just curious about his sister's story. Did she play a part in the accident and that is why he was thrilled and feels obligated to help me?

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