039 Taking Shelter from Rain (R18)

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The rain suddenly swept down on us.

Normally, it would be a disaster, but, this time, I can say that the rainy day is an opportunity.

「 A once in a lifetime chance? 」

「 Make us understand what you’re trying to say 」

Karin and Mana want to know.

「 Sure, rain is annoying. We have no umbrellas and even if we have folding umbrellas, it won’t be much use for us. Therefore, rain is nothing but a nuisance 」

I look outside the cave.

The rainfall alone was just as strong as the previous storm but no water is pouring in.

Only the splashes of water hitting the ground wet the entrance.

「 That’s also true for the other side 」

「 The other side? You mean? 」

Mana said. Karin covered her mouth.

Seems like she realized.

「 Yes, the rain also swoops down on the Sumeragi team. Those guys have 200 people in them, but, they hardly have a place to shelter from the rain. According to Tanaka and Kageyama, only about 30 people will be protected from the rain. If they cram together, then maybe 50. Meaning, more than half of the group will be exposed to rain]

That’s a big number.

If the rain drags on, then it’ll damage the Sumeragi team.

It’s been raining for over an hour and it shows no signs of stopping.

It’s hopeless.

「 Furthermore, the Sumeragi team has no change of clothes. That’s another point. Tomorrow, they have to make peace while naked 」

Mana frowned.

「 Just imagining it makes me feel hopeless 」

「 THere will probably be a lot of people stuck there. Of course, they cant’ leave those guys behind, so someone healthy will be covering for them. Although just how many healthy people can move? It won’t definitely be 100 people. Meaning, more than half of them will be down 」

I raised my index finger and tell them to imagine.

「 They barely keep themselves surviving. At the time Tanaka and Kageyama escaped, there was no such thing as preserved food, and they have no significant stockpile after that. It’s going to be impossible to procure enough food for everyone with only those who are still healthy. Especially since their staple food is animal meat. Unlike wild plants and mushrooms, they don’t grow wild in the same location 」

This rain is going to weaken the Sumeragi team.

「 I get the situation now. But, why is this an opportunity for us? 」

Karin moves to the main topic.

「 Currently, the Sumeragi Team is dominated using power. Unlike us, they don’t have a high degree of satisfaction. Therefore, when the team gets drastically weakened because of the rain, they will surely begin to break apart 」

「 Could you be more specific on what kind of breakdown will it be? 」

「 Deserters like Tanaka and Kageyama. I’m sure that the fifth ranks who are exposed to the rain will desert them. Just like Tanaka and Kageyama, the fifth ranks risk their lives 」

Tanaka and Kageyama’s role was to poison test mushrooms and wild plants.

Sumeragi team has no knowledge, so they use human sacrifice for their safety check.

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