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[A/n:Warning: read with caution.]

(Sukuna's Pov)

The attack would begin soon, this better be interesting or else I'll be disappointed in all of this I thought to myself

I looked over to where green lantern is and walked over towards him, i took the box out of his hands.

"What are you doing kid? Green lantern said getting irritated by what the kid just did."

Superman & batman look at sukuna wondering what's he's doing.

"Move out of the way mongrel you're getting on my nerves" said sukuna as green lantern was in his way.

Green lantern smirk and made a shield around sukuna.

I really hate this guy sukuna though everyone heard the box beeping.

"Tch move before I kill you. You damn mongrel i said to him getting annoyed by the second.

I don't have much time to deal with this. I look at green lantern and break his shield. I turn around an look towards the group.

"Prepared yourselves, and get ready for the fight that's coming" I said to all of them.

I throw the box far away from us. I opened a thousands of gates behind me and I infused all my weapons with mana. So they can lanch much faster then mach 10 and to explode on impacted with the enemy.

Everyone was surprised by my ability that I can summon these many portals at once

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Everyone was surprised by my ability that I can summon these many portals at once. They have no idea of how many portals I can create or how many weapons I have.

"Dad do you know a sword that does kill all the ememies at once, or just half of them" I said to my father hoping he knows a sword."

"You can use Enki the sword of the end. But I suggest you don't, it would flattened this hole city gilgamesh told him".

I nodded my head in understanding to what my father said. I look at the box up ahead and" it's starting to form a portal.


With batman and the others. Was stearing at sukuna weapons.

"Wow there thousands of weapons. I didn't even think know existed. Did you know guys he could do that?" green lantern asked the other"

"No but I feel he's holding back superman replied back and batman nodded his head in agreement. "

"There must be a limit to his abilities but I can't find out what" this kid is a mystery" batman though @as he studied the boy.

Everyone saw the box had form into a portal. "Get ready there coming" the boy said to all of them.


(Other's Pov)

Sukuna saw the creatures coming out of the portal and fly towards him sukuna smirk underneath his mask.


Sukuna lanch his weapons so fast and killed all the creatures that was coming towards him.

Batman and green couldn't see the weapons. It was moving to fast for them to be able to even see.

But it wasn't the same for superman could see the weapons but there moving even faster then before by the second.


Explosions erupted inside the building

"How fast is his weapons launching? I can't even see them. Even with the ring green lantern asked superman. "

"From the speed his weapons or going its probably mach 60-70 batman said". But superman shakes his head.

"No you're wrong it's mach 90, his weapons are traveling at mach 90 superman answer there questions.

"You mongrels better get out of this building it's gonna collapse at anything sukuna told everyone as batman nodded his head.

(Sukuna's Pov)

This will be dangerous but these mongrels keep coming, I only use 1% of it's power to destroy this building.

"Kid aren't you coming? superman said " I turned around and looked at him.

'Get everyone out of here, I'm going to try something but it will be dangerous. Get everyone away from the building or the hole area if you have to I told him.

Superman nodded his head as he understand, he did what I told him to do.

I guess I have to use you huh Excalibur-morgan I said as I summon the sword in my left hand.

I guess I have to use you huh Excalibur-morgan I said as I summon the sword in my left hand

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"Are you gonna use it? Gilgamesh said to me I nodded my head in response"

I stop firing my noble phantasms and close my GoB. I channel my mana in the sword.

And I activated the sword noble phantasm and shot it towards the creatures. Anything that comes in contact with this noble phantasm was instantly destroyed.

 Anything that comes in contact with this noble phantasm was instantly destroyed

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The attack brings the hole building down destroying everything that comes in its path.

All the creatures were dead and there was nothing left of them" Not even there ashes remain.

I put excalibur-morgan back in my gates and teleport away from the destroyed building.


(Other's Pov)

"What kind weapon did the boy used to destroy the building? batman ask.

'It was a sword of some. Superman said as he use his x-ray vision to looked though the destroyed building.

"Is the kid still in there" green lantern ask superman" but he shake his head.

"He's gone superman told everyone.

"What if that kid turns into a bad guy in the future green lantern said to everyone.

'Batman smirk he won't" he said to green lantern.

Green lantern look batman. "How can you be so sure said lantern as he folded his arm".

Batman smirk at green lantern and wall away.

'Oh no don't give me that smirk again green lantern said as he followed him.'

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