Sprout Talk with Izzy

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Izzy: Hello Sprout
Sprout: Oh Hello Izzy
Izzy: What is My Best Friend doing
(So Sprout and Izzy being Best Friends)
Sprout: I'm Good
* Izzy Smile*
* SomePony Screaming*
Sprout: Huh?
* Sprout Go out and saw Hippogriff/SeaPonies*
Sprout: It's Hippogriffs/SeaPonies Attack
* But EveryPony walk Away*
And Sprout kick the alarm
* EveryPony Saw Hippogriffs/SeaPonies*
* EveryPony Scream*
Old Earth Pony: Sprout is not Lies!!!!!!!!!
* Sprout Smile and Look at Izzy*

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