Part 1

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"Harry James Potter! If you don't get out of bed right now Merlin help me I will drag you out of bed!" A voice yells from downstairs. I open my eyes and put on my glasses. I sit up in bed, and look around my room. Everything is neat and tidy which means Mum must've cleaned while I was asleep.  I look at my calendar and see that I'm going back to Hogwarts in a few days, which means we're going shopping today. I get out of bed and walk over to my dresser. I grab a grey t-shirt, a pair of blue jeans, and a pair of socks. I quickly get dressed, then walk out to the hallway and see Emma (my little sister) still peacefully asleep in her bed. For some reason she insists on sleeping with her bedroom door open. I quietly walk past her room and head downstairs. I walk into the kitchen and sit down at the kitchen table. "Morning Mum," I say. Mum turns away from the sink and smiles at me. "Morning Harry," She replies and walks over to kiss me on top of my head. "Mum........," I complain. She laughs and walks over to the stove and charms it to make breakfast. Dad walks into the kitchen reading the newspaper and bumps into the table. He sets the newspaper down and sits next to me and ruffles my hair. "Morning son," He says. "Morning Dad," I reply. "Is your sister still asleep?" Dad asks. I nod. "Yeah she's snoring away," I answer.  "Do me a favor and go wake up your sister," Mum says. "Alright," I reply and head upstairs. I walk down the hallway to Emma's room and knock on her open door. "Emma. Time to get up," I say. She rolls over so her face is facing the wall and continues snoring. I walk right up to her bed and gently shake her. "Emma time to get up," I repeat. "Go away," She groans. "We're going to Diagon Alley," I tell her. She sighs and sits up yawning. "I'm up I'm up," She says and gets out of bed. I walk back downstairs and take my seat at the kitchen table. After a few minutes Emma comes downstairs and sits down at the table.  Dad sets the table, then joins Emma and I at the table and Mum walks over with a frying pan and loads everyone's plates up with eggs and bacon, then sets the frying pan down and fills everyone's glasses with orange juice. She sits down and we all dig into our food. "James, Molly and Arthur are meeting us at the Leaky Cauldron," Mum tells him. "Excellent. I can have a drink with Arthur afterwards," Dad replies.  "Yes and we've been invited for tea with the Weasley's after we go to Diagon Alley," Mum says.  Dad nods. "Mum? Do I have to walk around Diagon Alley with you guys?" Emma asks. "Your father is taking your brother shopping for school while Molly and I are taking you and Ginny shopping for school," Mum answers.  As they're talking Sirius and Remus walk in. "Mornin' all," Uncle Sirius says. "Hope we're not too late for breakfast," Uncle Remus says. "Someone had to spend an hour in the bathroom doing their hair," He adds rolling his eyes at Sirius. "This hair doesn't do itself," Sirius replies defensively. "There's eggs and bacon on the stove," Mum tells them. They dish themselves up then join us at the table. "You excited to go back to Hogwarts Harry?" Remus asks. "Yeah. I can't wait," I answer. Sirius looks at the time then looks at Mum. "If we want to get there before it gets really crowded we should go soon," He tells Mum. She nods. "Everyone ready to go?" She asks. We all nod, then head to the living room and Mum gets out the floo powder.  "James, you first," Mum says holding out the jar. Dad nods and takes a handful of floo powder then steps into the fireplace and throws the powder at his feet while saying "Diagon Alley." Next uncle Sirius goes, then uncle Remus. "Alright Harry. Your turn," Mum says. I step into the fireplace then grab a handful of powder and throw it at my feet. "Diagon Alley!" I say clearly. Suddenly it feels like I'm falling as I'm swooshed past all the other fireplaces in our neighborhood, then I appear at Diagon Alley. I see Dad and uncle Remus and Sirius and walk over to them. Emma appears, then a minute later so does Mum. We all walk as a family into The Leaky Cauldron and see the Weasley's sitting at a table waiting for us. We walk over and Mum and Molly hug. "Nice to see you Lilly dear," Molly says. "Nice to see you too Molly. It's been too long," Mum replies. While the adults catch up I walk over to Ron and join him in a game of Wizard's Chess. "Hey Ron," I say as I sit down. "Hey Harry," He replies. As we're playing a hush falls over the room as the Malfoy's walk in. Lucius Malfoy looks around the room and sees our group and his lip curls. Fred and George walk over to Ron and I. "Hey Harry," They say. "Hi guys," I reply. "Mum's mad at them," Ron tells me. "Why?" I ask. "Well instead of helping around the house we've been making prank products," The twins answer. I roll my eyes at them, then Dad looks at me. "Well Harry let's head to Gringotts then we can get everything on your school supplies list," He says. "Alright," I reply. I stand up then look at Ron. "See you later," I say. "See ya," Ron replies. I follow Dad and uncle Remus and Sirius out of The Leaky Cauldron to Gringotts Bank and collect our money. Once Dad and uncle Remus and Sirius have their money we head to the shops to buy my school robes, my wand, my cauldron, and my potion supplies. We walk to meet up with everyone else. We meet up and everyone floo powders to the Weasley's. Ron and I appear in the backyard and rush over to the quidditch shed and wait for Fred and George, then watch as the twins take off the lock and we grab our equipment. We play a small game of quidditch until Molly calls us back to the Burrow. We run back to the house laughing and enjoying the summer, then see Molly setting up the outside tables which means we're staying for dinner. Ron and I help the twins set the table then lie down in the yard on our backs and watch the clouds go by. As we're setting up Hermione appears in the backyard and lies down next to Ron and I. "Hey guys," She says. "Hi," Ron and I reply.  We chill in the backyard until Molly calls us over to the table for supper. We sit down on the bench and everyone digs in. We all have small conversations with each other and Ron and Hermione just sit by each other in silence. I roll my eyes at them, then silently watch everyone. Mum and Dad are talking with Molly and Arthur and Emma and Ginny are talking. Uncle Remus and Sirius are discussing things with each other and the twins are being suspiciously quiet.  After we eat and have dessert Mum, Dad, Emma and I floo powder back to our house. I go upstairs to my room and pull out my cellphone and check my messages; 1 new message: Hey Harry, it's Draco. I was wondering if we could drop the whole hating each other thing? It's getting old . Anyway I'll see you at Hogwarts. Huh weird. Oh well. I type back; Sure, No problem. I agree it was getting old. Then hit send. I change into a pair of boxers, then climb into bed and fall asleep. 


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2021 ⏰

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