Chapter 2: Masquerade

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The day finally came.
The masquerade party!!

🧀Roguefort POV🧀

Oh the day has finally come!
Oh i wonder how lovely Almond would look like.. Roguefort excitingly wispers to themself.

🍵Almond POV🍵

Would i even look good in that thing i bought?! Why did he even invite me,
Im not good at fancy stuff at all!
Huh..their...looking at me?...
Almond says nervously.

◇End of POV◇

As the two look at eachother they both thought to themselves "Roguefort would look beautiful!" "Almond would look stunning!"

As Almond left his room, off to the kitchen and Roguefort following him, he asked; "Roguefort, what do you want for breakfast?" Happyly.

"You choose Almond" Roguefort replies.

A:"How about....spaghetti?"


A:"Alright then im just ganna wake up Wal--"

As Almond said the word "spaghetti"
Walnut rushes to the kitchen yelling;


As Walnut emidietly sits on one of the chairs she says "i want spaghetti!!"
"Just wait hun."

Walnut stares shocked.
"Whats wrong?"
Almond realizes....Roguefort is behind him..


W:"why is Roguefort here?.."

A:"well you see...uh.."

R:"im the one that will be cooking the spaghetti!"

Walnut sighs and says; "fine....just for the spaghetti!"

Almond also sighs in relief.
And turns around to Roguefort to kiss their forehead.

"Now, i shall make the spaghetti"
Roguefort says willingly

"Alright then" Almond lets go.

Time Skip
After they eat

A:"That was great!"


R:"oh wow. Im flattered"

Almond chuckles.

While setting his plate to the sink.
And planting a kiss on Rogueforts cheek.
Roguefort starts to feel his cheeks go warm and red.

Time skip
7:30 PM

"Dear, im i must go to my place, i need to prepare for the Masquerade party."
Roguefort says in a stressed and nervous tone.

"Alright. I also must get ready for--"
Almond got cut off by Walnut asking; "get ready for what papa?"

"Im attending a party hunny. Ill ask miss Latte to take care of you the whole night, okay?"

"Yay miss Latte!" As Walnut says that sentence she smiles widely.

¤After sending Walnut to Latte¤
>Sorry im lazy T^T<

Almond came back and started to wear his costume. As he looked at himself in the mirror he sighs. Why? Because he realizes his chest is so big that the upper part/chest part of the shirt bursted. "Good thing the button didnt break" he says to himself.

He tried to find something to cover it because he couldnt close it.
And he found a little thing.

(look at the pic to see what im talking about 'cause idk what its called.)

~||At the party||~

"Roguefort, goddamnit where are you.."
Almond wispers to himself starting to get frustrated.

"Dear! Im here!" Roguefort waves at Almond smiling widely.

"Oh" He goes towards them.
Almond says in a emberessed voice/tone.

"Oh dont flatter me so much, you also look great!" Roguefort says while smiling.

"Aha, thank you Rogue." He smiles.

As Roguefort leaned in for a to hug Almond, he noticed the shirt.

"Why isnt your shirt closed dear?"
Roguefort questions.

"Oh. see my uh.." Almond coughs "m-my chest is too big..."
He blushes a deep red because of all the frustration.

"Oh" Rogue giggles " i see."

♡••●Ćłīff hãņģêř ●••♡

~Ill continue when i have the motivation :>~

[Word count:568]

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