Chapter 1: A New Beginning

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It all begins with Maddy and his father.

Maddy: Why Are We Here Again?

Barley Lightfoot: You Know What Mom Said. She Said You This Will Be A Great Opportunity For Us To Meet New People And Try New Skills. Here Goes Nothing.

He droved to school, like nothing once again. As he drove in, he turned the direction in a same line. For Maddy, he did tell him.

Maddy: So? What's It Like Around These Parts?

Barley Lightfoot: What The Heck, MAN?!

As he stopped, he says to him.

Barley Lightfoot: Have A Good Day, Maddy. Remember, No Pete. Do You Understand?

As Barley hates Pete, he droved away. Maddy went to school as she discovered the more understands the class. So she went to class.

Teacher: Alright Class, Read A Book To Chapter 3, A Toon's Life.

Maddy: How Could I Understand? Ah, There Your Go. Chapter Two. Wait, What Is That?

Maddy is looking outside the window, it'll be nothing to do. Pete is sneaking in.

Pete: He He He He He... That Maddy Can Stand In My Way.

Maddy is hanging out with his friends to lunch. She is talking about nothing like parents. He ask to do something.

Olaf: Have You Wonder In Amazing Trip?

Maddy: Yeah, Probably.

Nico: So, Bro. This Is A Situation. You Tell Your Parents That You Saw In A Window.

Maddy: Yeah. The Fish Protects Them. But, I Haven't Know Everything About Anything. But I Can Handle It.

Forky: Whatever.

Forky seems supsicious as they go outside. They're all between the events.

Forky: YOW!

Maddy: You Okay?

Forky: Yeah. I Got A Question, How Do You Know About The Playground?

Pedro: No Idea, Bro! This Is Anyway's Division, That We Work Together.

Nico: Bro, I Am So Dumber.

Maddy: Aw Nico. Don't Be Dumb.

Maddy comorts Nico, as someone that Maddy sees Pete.


Maddy: Ew, Disgusting!

Nico: YOU!

Pete: Well. Who Ready To Take Down With Him?!

Kids gasp as Barley ran to him.

Barley Lightfoot: MADDY!!! WHAT DID I TELL YOU?!

Barley raised his anger at him. Annie, Leo, June, and Quincy ran to the basketball.

Annie: Watch Out.

Nico: There's Nothing We Can Do.

Pete: Maybe I Suggest... THIS?!

Pete almost grabs him. Barley blocked him as they fighted back to the future. To protect Maddy, his friends are almost behind him.

Pete: Ughh. Alright, You Win.

Pete ran away.

Maddy: What Are You Guys DOING This?!

Annie: Hey Hey Hey. Calm Down.

Barley Lightfoot: Ummm....., I'm Sorry Did I... Hurt Your Feelings?

Barley tells him sorry to yelled him, as the end of school. Barley tells Elsa that she saw Pete.

Elsa: My Gosh, Are You Sure?

Barley Lightfoot: Yes But... I Guess You Right. Maybe You Can Take A Few Chance. It's Is Amazing And I Don't Know How To Impress Her Correctly.

Elsa: Oh, I See.

Elsa tells him daughter to come down to dinner.

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