01: school dance

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The night of the dance. You weren't looking forward to this. All of your friends had dates but you. You wanted to stay home but they insisted for you come. They promised they'd hang out with you. But of course, those were lies.

If they weren't lies, you wouldn't be sitting alone at a isolated table in the gym while everybody else partied away. You mess around with a unused fork left on the table, bored.

If only someone asked you to the dance. And by someone, you mean [insert crush's name]. But they didn't ask you, so you guess the feelings weren't mutual.

You look for [insert crush's name] around the gym. You eventually spot them over by the doorway entrance with a few of their friends. You see them chatting with one another, laughing every now and then. You release a lonely sigh.

All of a sudden the music changes drastically from overplayed pop to some slow romantic song. (honestly I imagine To the End by Blur, but think whatever you want lol). People start to split into couples on the dance floor, including your friends and their dates. You feel like a loser.

"Wanna dance?" a voice says.

You look up and see [insert crush's name] standing there in front of you, their hand reached out for you to take. You feel immediately flustered. A blush overtakes your face.

"Uh... I..." you answer, not able to process what is happening.

[insert crush's name] takes your hand and leads you to the dance floor. They put their hands around your waist and you put your arms around their neck. (Or vice versa!) [insert crush's name] smiles gently and stares into your eyes as you both start to sway back and forth.

You can't believe this is happening. Your heart is beating a million beats per second. How you aren't fainting right then and there is a mystery.

"I wanted to ask you to the dance, but I was afraid you'd laugh at me," they say, still staring into your eyes.

"I wouldn't do that..." you respond.

There's a few moments of silence besides the music playing through the gym.

"So... uh... do you like me?... I'm being pretty straight forward so I might as well continue to be..." [insert crush's name] asks quietly.

Your eyes widen at the question. You break eye contact and begin to stare at the ground.

"Maybe," you say with a shy smirk.

"Good enough."

[insert crush's name] leans in and gently kisses your lips. The kiss lasts for about five seconds, before they pull away.

"I'm so glad I finally got to do that," they say.

You laugh. "Me too..."

You continue to dance, holding each other close with your eyes closed.

This night wasn't so bad after all. :)

I'm sorry this is so rushed but I had this in my drafts for months and needed to finally post something so here is this trash. I'll probably edit this to make it better later on honestly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2022 ⏰

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