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I waited patiently for Luke to come out of class. He gave me one of his lopsided smiles, his braces gleaming back at me.

"How was English?"

"Boring." He huffed, handing me his books.

"Do I really have to carry these? You're such a baby."

"You're carrying nothing." He said stubbornly.

I wanted to defend myself by saying they were his books, but my voice got caught in my throat. It was as though it happened in slow motion. I didn't even feel the books slip from my hands. All I saw was the boy. The boy with curly blonde hair.

"Lizzie!" Luke exclaimed, picking up his books.

He began nudging me when I didn't respond.

"Do you need help?" The boy asked.

Luke stood up straight, trying to ignore the spilled papers.

"We're fine." He lied.

The boy laughed, showing a line of perfect white teeth. I still hadn't moved.

"Here." The boy said, picking up the papers, and handing them to me.

I took them without a moment's hesitation.

"Thank you," I said, my voice dazed.

"No problem." The boy smiled.

Luke extended his hand. "Hi, I'm Luke."

The boy nodded, giving his hand a shake.

"Tommy Dorsey. It's nice to meet you."

He turned to me, his eyebrow lifting slightly as though he were about to smirk.

"And you are?" He hinted.

"Eliza," I said, shaking myself out of it.

"It's nice to meet you, Eliza." He smiled.

"I'm new here, my mum and I moved up last weekend."

Luke nodded, getting bored of the conversation. He turned his head towards the window and I saw a hint of sun reflect off his braces.

"Where did you move from?" I asked.


"So you're new to the country," Luke concluded rather bitterly.

"Yes, I'm definitely a city boy." He half-laughed.

"What year are you in?" I asked again, wishing Luke would stay quiet.

"Year nine."

"Why, that's the same as us!" I enthused.

Tommy grinned in response to my comment.

"You'll have to show me around town sometime." He stopped for a second looking over my head at one of the senior boys.

"My friend looks like he wants me." He said reluctantly. "It was nice to meet you both."

He walked off perfectly, and I watched him longingly, before elbowing Luke.

"What the hell was that?" I huffed.

"What the hell was thaaat?" He said, asking me the same question.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not blind, Lizzie."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You went all dreamy. It was like someone hypnotized you!"

"I did not."

"Tommy Dorsey."

I sighed without any control, my heart already floating to cloud nine.

"See what I mean?" He muttered, shaking his head.

"Okay, maybe I did go a little dreamy if that's what you're going to call it."

"You're more than dreamy. You're head over heels. I can see it in your eyes."

"And why is that such a bad thing?" I asked, annoyed. "Luke, come on he is absolutely gorgeous."

"I don't like him." He snapped.

"Why ever not?"

"I just don't, Lizzie. There's something about him that makes my blood run cold. I don't like him."

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