Chapter 6

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The Spy Ninjas have been preparing for this since 2018. The defeat of PZ and HC. 
“We can do this, Spy Ninjas!” Chad exclaims.
“Are we allowed to do this too?” CJ Asks.
“Are you guys ready for your first real mission?” Vy asks.
“YES!” Savannah exclaims.
“By the looks of it,” Regina starts. “I think all of you guys are officially ready.”
“YAY!” Lydia exclaims.
“THANK YOU! THANK YOU!” Aurora thanks.
“Yes! Thank you!” Vivi-anne thanks.
“Haha. your welcome minis,” Melvin replies.
They all agree and grab their weapons. Chad has his Stun-Chucks,Vy has her kunais, Daniel has his stun stars, Regina has her katana, Melvin has his tonfas, Vivi-anne has her bo staff, Lydia has her Taser,  CJ has their pocket knife, Aurora has a Chinese Hook sword, and Savannah has her Counter sword. The Spyninjas (Minis and Adults) go to the Black Pyramid and they go to where they will defeat the leader of PZ and HC.
“SHOW YOURSELF!” Chad demands. 
They spy ninjas hear a voice from the intercom system.
“If you want to see us, you must battle our best fighters,” HCL states.
“We will take your challenge HCL and PZL,” CJ strongly states.
“Ok then. We will send them out to you,” PZL states.
The spy ninjas see PZ715, PZ776, PZ666, HC M.0, HC1, HC654, and PZ M.0 come out and the spy ninjas fight them.
 After an hour of defeating the hackers, HCL and PZL come out.
“Us adults will take PZL while you minis take HCL,” Chad instructs.
‘’We won't let you down daddy’’, Aurora replies.
They split off to fight the leaders. After half an hour of fighting, CJ finds out how to defeat HCL so she does it but a flash bomb activates, causing both the minis and the adults to be blinded for a few seconds. Since that happened, HCL got defeated, but they still have to handle PZL. After another hour of that, the spy ninjas start to tire out, thus causing the PZL to get PZ members to place them in a room together.


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