Chapter Four

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[A/N] UGHHHH ONCE AGAIN WE NEED TO TALK !!!!! 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 First things first I clearly stated that leo & Jaxon are cousins and CAN'T BE TOGETHER SO STOD SHIPPING THEM !!!!

😤😤Also you guys are reading the story wrong i said that Leo slept with Jaxons Aunt, not HIS Aunt. 🙄 Ughhh can you guys not read or something you guys are getting ridiculous at this point omg 🙄🙄🙄

AND FOR THE LAST TIME MELISSA IS NOT A GOOD PERSON SO STOP FALLING IN LOVE WITH HER 😤😤😤😤 omg she's super mean to y/n are you're supposed to hate her 🙄

Okay ???????? Alright now here's chapter four ALSO THIS MIGHT BE THE LAST CHAPTERRRRR ugh this story has been such a cute journey I'm so in love with it 🥺🥺🥺🥺💙🥺💙🥺💙🥺🥺🥺💙🥺🥺


Chapter Four Y/N's P.O.V

Watching fights up close was even more scarier than I could've ever thought. The entire crowd was cheering them on and even placing bets on who was going to win.

(*fun fact on Friday 5th November 2021 at the end of school I was going home on my bike with some friends & there was a huge fight between two black girls, it was really heated and one of my Design & Technology teacher was trying to break the fight. He had to call more people to help him and the girls got a C5 [Nearly a full exclusion  like nearly permanently leaving the school] one of the girls even tried fighting the teachers. Lmao back to the story)

I have to stop this b-b-b-but how do I do it??? I thought to myself as I smoothed out my sparkly pretty dress and blinked my ocean blue baby blue diamond blue electric blue midnight blue orbs.


[A/N] YOU BETTER NOT SAY ANYTHINGGGGGGG ABOUT THE DRESS also I better not see a single avatar reference in the comments I mean it 😤😤😤🙄

Jaxon had Leo pinned to the floor and was punching his face harshly. It was so bad that Leo's face was becoming bloody & full of bruises. I gasped. This has to stop and it has to stop now.

Before I could take a step forward two people grabbed my arms. It was her. Melissa, the girl who'd slapped me. The girl with fire lipstick & red hair. and a guy I haven't met yet.

He must be the guy who leo 'apparently' had a crush on, according to rumors.

"Stay out of it!! It's the least you can do. This is all your fault." She said to me with pure rage in her brown orbs.

"All you do is mess things up, and you wonder why people don't like you" the dual hair-coloured boy spat, the fire building up is his red orbs.

A/n ughhhhh i wish you guys could understand how much I hate this girl 😤😤😤😤💀

I twisted out of their grip "N-N-N-N-N-N-No it's not!! I NEVER WANTED THEM TO FIGHT"

"THEN WHAT DID YOU WANT HUH?" The boy yelled back.

"You're all over Leo yet you look at Jaxon like he's the love of your life . You make no sense!!!! Either sit here & let them fight or go back to your house or something BUT STAY OUT OF IT AND LISTEN FOR ONCE" Melissa yelled.

I was angry. Angry at the both of them for blaming me, angry at her for slapping me, angry at her for sleeping with Jaxon. Then she decided she can tell me what to do.

"N-N-N-N-N-N-No" I said to her.

"No WHAT?" She yelled and i bushed both of them off me. "I won't stay out of this! I LOVE HIM!! and I'm going to break thid up"


I rushed through the crowd and reached where the two were fighting. I then tugged on Jaxons arm to stop him from punching Leo again "JAXON STOP!!! Look at me!! THIS ISN'T YOU DON'T DO THIS!!!"

he turned to look at me and his electric forest jungle amazon viper green orbs softened. The entire crowd fell silent and all eyes were on us.

"P-p-p-p-please......" I told him "please stop. For m-m-m-me"

He sighed loudly and I saw most of the violent tension and anger leave his body. He then turned to Leo on the floor & glared at him "you should've never put on your hands on her"

Leo wiped the blood from his face and hissed "I hate you more than anything."

Jaxom growled in return "feelings mutual. I hope I never see you again" before turning to walk away.

Third person

"Come on. Let's get you cleaned up, then you can go talk it out with Jaxon." Blake said.

"Don't fuck this time though, it was annoying listening to that" Tobias said, lifting up Leo.

"Yeah, don't do that, Toby cried" Zee said, patting Toby on the shoulder.

As the four went home to clean Leo up, y/n was helping Jaxon, despite all his love claims for y/n, it didn't feel right to him. He didn't feel like she was ment for him.

He kept having flashbacks to when him and Leo were hanging out together, giggling, laughing, smiling. That all felt right to him, but he thought no-one would accept him. So here he was. With y/n.

Y/N's P.O.V

Jaxon was sat on the edge of the tub as I used a wet towel to clean his face.

"Thanks.." he muttered after a while, before continuing to space out again.

"N-N-N-N-N-N-No problem. But why would you f-f-fight for me, I thought you hated me."

"I-I don't know, actually." He said as he looked into my ocean blue baby blue diamond blue electric blue midnight blue orbs.

"That whole time, I didn't feel like myself. Sure I like the feeling of Leo under me, but it was different that time. Like I was in love with him or something." He finished, and for some reason I felt better. I knew Melissa wasn't with anyone, I had a chance, but that was nonsense right now.

"Y/N, I think I'm inlove with Leo." He said, and I felt better, maybe my feeling about Melissa weren't nonsense. "If only I could tell him"

"Maybe you c-c-c-can, isn't be friends with Blake?" I replied, just have being finished cleaning his wounds.

"Of course, he's friends with Zee & Tobias. Thanks y/n" he thanked.

"N-N-N-N-N-N-No problem"


And the rest is to leave up to interpretation ;D

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I will possibly write a Leo x Jaxon Fanfic sometime in the future.

Byeeeee!!! (●’◡’●)

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