Chapter 1

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Kiss Goodnight, Mr.Ji Chapter 1: Go to his relatives and sisters

In Yangcheng, the night is dark.

Ye Shengge drank too much wine at night and simply returned to the company nearby, planning to spend the night.

After all, tomorrow is the awards ceremony for the Heyday Awards. As a company shareholder and gold broker, she still has a lot of things to do and must get up early.

In the office, Ye Sheng fans were awakened by the outside voice not long after they slept.

She opened her eyes and saw the light coming through the crack of the door.

Someone outside?

Ye Shengge was alert, just when she considered whether to call the police, suddenly, a loud bang came from the office door, as if someone had hit it hard.

Immediately afterwards, an ambiguous gasp-breath came.

"Yan Huai, when are we going to be right together..." A whimperous female voice rang with a gasp.

Ye Shengge froze.

Isn't this Mu Xiaoya's voice?

Mu Xiaoya is an artist under Ye Sheng's singer, and Yan Huai in her mouth is Ye Shengge's fiance Mu Yanhuai.

Three years ago, Ye Shengge and Mu Yanhuai founded Xingyi Entertainment Company. Mu Yanhuai was in charge of the company's operations. She was in charge of the artist agency and took Mu Xiaoya to the throne of the audience.

Most importantly, Mu Yanhuai and Mu Xiaoya are brothers and sisters!

How could these two people be together?

Ha ha, don't be funny.

She must have drunk so much that she has auditory hallucinations.

Ye Sheng couldn't help shaking his head.

"Good, it's not the right time." The man's voice was low and dumb, and it was Mu Yanhuai. "The company is on the right track. We still need her."

"I'm already the annual viewing champion, and tomorrow's heyday award is destined to be mine. Isn't that enough." The woman's dissatisfaction is coquettish, "Are you separated from her? Is it disgusting to see her?" "

"Xiaoya, be patient," the man reassured. "I will find a chance to tell her, but not now... she is only me now, and I'm afraid she can't stand the stimulation."

"Yan Huai, you care about her." Mu Xiaoya's tone was sour.

"Stupid girl." Mu Yanhuai chuckled, "I don't care about her, how can she help us with a heartbreak?"

Mu Xiaoya smiled proudly: "She must not think of it, in fact, I am not your sister at all."


The conversation between the two seemed to be a sledgehammer, and it fell into Ye Shengge's mind, and she was dizzy.

For a while, her brain was blank and her ears were buzzing.

When she finally came to a halt, the conversation outside the door had ended, leaving only a wheezing sound, constantly tearing her nerves, reminding her of the truth.

She has no hallucinations and no dreams. All this is true.

One is her fiance, and the other is an artist who put all her efforts into it. She trusts them so much, but they have been lying to her!

Ye Shengge shook all over, because of heartache and humiliation, and even more because of anger. She wanted to rush out immediately and tear off the masks of the two!

But no, they can't be so cheap!

She bit her lip sharply, not wanting to cry herself, but the tears still couldn't stop falling.

I don't know how long after that, the outside finally became quiet, and the two left.

Recalling the feelings and hard work he had paid for three years, Ye Shengge took a deep breath, wiped tears fiercely, and stood up rushed to the desk and turned on the computer.

Mu Yanhuai and Mu Xiaoya probably never dreamed that she had just installed surveillance cameras in the public office area the other day. The reason why she installed this camera is also related to Mu Xiaoya. Unexpectedly, this surveillance camera came in handy so quickly.

Probably in the midst, even destiny couldn't bear to see that she had been cheated, Ye Shengge thought mockingly.

Soon, Mu Xiaoya's face appeared on the screen. Her eyes were closed and her face was drunk with blush, and Mu Yanhuai buried her head in Mu Xiaoya's neck.

Perhaps it was because she felt numbness in her heart. Seeing this admiration, she was surprisingly calm.

Ye Shengge quickly cut this video and copied it to a mobile hard disk.

After all of this, the sky has become white.

She came to the bathroom, washed her face with clean water, and washed away the cold tears on her face.

Raising her head, a pale yet still beautiful face reflected in the mirror.

However, when anyone sees this face, they can't help but say sorry.

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