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Ariana looked at her nails as the silence continued to possess the room. She wondered if Aiden was here if he was behind the screen watching her and secretly laughing at her foolishness. She felt glad that her instinct had been right in not fully trusting him. It was strange how just a few days ago, she had been ready to tell him but thank God she hadn't. 

After what seemed like ages, the agent A21 sighed and looked at the other man. Suddenly they got up and both left the room and a few minutes later returned. This time, the younger man spoke. 

'You are here for a very serious matter.  If you agree to tell us everything and you fit the...requirements that we are looking for, then we will agree to tell you the current situation. So, you need to cooperate. If you are not the...person, then you will be free to go.' The man spoke in a posh accent as if he had attended private school his entire life and he probably had. So had Aidan, if his accent was anything to go by.

'How do I know you're telling the truth? How do I know that you're not just some terrorist group, pretending to be agents or something?' 

' We assure you that we work for the British government.' He got out and showed her his ID card. It seemed pretty legit. But she remained wary. 

'I was drugged and woke up in a cell. I'm being treated like a criminal when I have done nothing wrong.  Aren't you supposed to be the good guys?' 

'We apologise but this isn't a James Bond movie. There are no good guys. We do what is necessary.' His eyes were stern. 'Now, you need to tell us about who you are because we may need your help.' As the man spoke, Agent 21 got up and walked to the corner of the room, with his back turned towards them.

'Promise me you'll tell me the truth, you won't lie. I want full transparency.' Ariana said remembering the word from an episode of 'Better call Saul' and she prayed that it worked. The younger man looked at the head for approval and he nodded. TV dramas weren't completely useless after all!

'Only if you are the person we're looking for.' 

'Swear on your parent's life.'  No doubt they were liars and honestly probably had very little value in their lives but she asked anyway. 

'You have my word. Let's get back to this. Start again-'

'Anna Said.' Ariana's heart almost stopped as she whipped her head towards Agent 21. She hadn't heard those names in years. Her names. 

'Excuse me.' 

'That is your name right?' He said, finally turning towards her, his face blank as a slate. She didn't reply but the look on her face must've portrayed everything. He returned to the table and shuffled through a few files. 'Look, just admit it. It's game over, we know that it's you.' He sat down and put his hands together on the table. 'Your mother was Professor Victoria Hart, an English lecturer and a convert to Islam and your father was...Dr. Jamal Said, who was a CEO at the GFT. Company, a pharmaceutical company...' He went on to list their wedding day and her birthday; where they had lived for her first 18 years. They knew everything about her previous life. 'Now, after your parent's death, it seemed like Anna Said, vanished into thin air. Fill in the blanks. What happened?'

'If you know all this, what does it matter now? My parents are dead. It's the past and I've moved on.'

'We can't move on because it affects the present, even the future.'

Ariana sighed and felt defeated. 'What do you want from me? I've got nothing to offer. I am just a teacher in a small school. I live a pretty, quiet and...normal life.' She said. Quiet and normal until him. He complicated everything. She thought it had been some fated love story. Now she knew that it had been a plan all along. 

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