2 So so close

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The package contained mind blowing information about the new pro hero's and such showing their connections to a plethora of murders.
It wasn't so surprising to name but what was surprising was the link to a previous murder victim her old best friend.
They grabbed their reading glasses reading through the information on their former friends.

Hello name,
Due to your connections to the pro hero's regarding this case we have decided to put you undercover.
You will be posing as a psychiatrist we have gotten you appointments with many of the major hero's and you will be preforming psych evaluations on them.
These evaluations will have to be legitimate but as you are certified to do them that shouldn't be a problem.

You are encouraged to befriend the suspects and we believe that due to your past ties this won't be too difficult for you.
Make sure to thoroughly read through this entire booklet the information is crucial.
More instructions next page.

They bit their lip reaching for their phone.
Name: hey Mina! I can make it what's the address?
Mina: I'll send it over!

Work comes and goes the night comes too fast.
It's not chilly it's a nice warm breeze you were wearing shorts and a jumper.
Nothing flashy your hair was up and you put on some glasses to hind your face in some way as you were feeling self conscious.
That and if you were lucky enough you would be taking notes.
Not mental one necessarily but it all depended on how much space and time you had.
You walked out of your apartment and to the subway.
Soon you arrived at what youll assumed was minas place.
It was big adleast big for someone the age you were.
Your job payed well very well in fact but you had no real need for that much space.
You knocked and was greeted happily by Mina as she ushered you inside.
The lights were dim the blur of multicoloured hair and outfits meshing together as your eyes stop discerning the different shapes.
You rubbed your eyes before you were pulled into a circle with Mina jirou denki and others.
"It's been so long babe still doing the detective stuff?" Denki asks
"No I'm actually getting back into the hero business" you said
"Oh how?" Mina asks
"I've been hired to go around doing physiological evaluations on hero's"you respond.
"That's interesting I suppose..." jiro says trailing off.
"Hmm let's go get a drink and catch up" Denki chirps grabbing a hold of your arm and pulling you along .
"What would you like?" He asks watching your eyes as they scan the different alcohol bottles.
"Vodka?" You say questioningly he laughs
"You sure you can handle that?"he chuckles again.
"Yes I can I'm not five" a pout spreading your features.
"Ok ok I trust you what mixer" he responds
"Mmmm let me do a couple shots and then I'll mix it with lemonade or something" you respond pouring liquid into a shot glass.
He laughs again as you down it drawing the attention of other in the room unbeknownst to you.
You were hyper focused on kaminari you had read his case file you knew a lot about him and you knew not to let his easygoing persona to lull you into a false sense of security.

it was a party so you wouldn't be able to get anything good out of them sober unless.. no besides that you knew you probably wouldn't be able to not drink tonight without drawing more attention to yourself.

You weren't a light weight but he didn't need to know that he also didn't need to know you drank frequently.
You were gonna feign innocent and lull him to feel like he had the upper hand.
It wasn't a sure fire way but there was definitely a good chance you would get some information out of kaminari.

You bit your lip peering up through your eyelashes to kaminari and leaning in to reach for some sweet soda pretending to dispose the bitter tang of the alcohol.
After a couple shots you mixed yourself a drink and crunked up the 'this is my first time drunk' act.
A loud chuckle was heard behind you "can't handle your alcohol can you?" Bakugou said a condescending smirk on his face.
"Yeah I don't drink often..." you responded
this sucked you thought to yourself about how horrible it was to act this way.
"Don't bother her"a deep voice rung through the room as todoroki and his green haired companion entered the room.

You gave him a curt wave looking back at bakugou.
"It's fine really I think I'm gonna have a look for momo" you say in a attempt to be free from the death glares being shared though you may be able to use this to your advantage you didn't want to be caught in the cross fire or put yourself in danger.
Todoroki grabs your arm "would you like to get some fresh air?" He asks "I'll come with you if you want to" you respond.
"Hey we aren't done here"bakugou cuts in
"Yeah!" Denki adds
You put a finger up to your chin tilting your head "done with what?"you ask
"The drinking game" he responds "or can you really not handle your liquor?" he's lips turn upwards smugly.
You knew he was trying to goat you into anger and submission but hell you weren't gonna let this asshole win against you in a drinking game.

"Your gonna lose" you respond with a smile
"I'll play" deku chirps
"Besides it's been so long name I wanna get to know you again!"he responds cheerful as ever.
"Oh nice I've missed you too!" You respond happily
Not really kinda forgot you existed you think to yourself.
He blushes after hearing the remark.
"What about me name~" Denki asks his arms pawing at your shoulder.
"Yes you too" you respond
"You never responded to any of my messages after you left" todoroki says In a accusing manor 
"I lost my phone at some train station a couple days after I left I was really sad too because I couldn't remember anyone's number" you say your puppy dog eyes shining through hoping to shut them up for now.
"Cmon losers sit down" bakugo says gruffly pulling out a chair for himself as he pulled alcohol on the kitchen table.
"What's happening here ?" Mina asks walking in with uraraka.
"Drinking game" deku responds.
"Ohh sounds like fun let's play Mina!" Uraraka chirps out.
"What game specifically?"mina questions
And a puzzling look spreads across everyone's face.
This was your chance to get some information out of everyone.
"Hmm what about truth or drink?" You say pleading to the gods you get something useful out of today.

Denki and midoriya chuckle
"What are you five?" Bakugo retorts
"Six!" You say brightly
"Cmonnn this is something we would have played when we were in school together it will be interesting to see what you guys are like now too!" You say
"Ohh sounds like fun" Denki chirps
"You drink if you don't do the truth or the dare correct?" Todoroki asks
"Yup" deku chimes in
"I'm down" mina responds sitting down on a chair.
A couple rounds in the questions so far are fairly tame.
You ended up kissing kirjshima and Denki as a dare but you had taken a couple shots at this point same with the others.
"Bakugou it's your turn to ask someone something" Denki says
"Fine, name truth or dare?"bakugou says
" so boring fine... hmmm why were you so quite in highschool" bakugou asks you
"Yeah you were oddly quite back then"deku remarks
"I- I wasn't quite?"you say thinking back to your time in highschool with them.

"Well I mean I wasn't... until you and midoriya told me I talked to much and to shut up so I did careful what you wish for I guess" you say making your smile extra big to hide the disdain you held over your highschool years with them.
"I'm really tired now I think I might head home"you say standing up
"I'll drive you" bakugou says gruffly
"No thanks its fine besides you've hade a couple drinks anyways I'm just gonna take the train"you respond grabbing your phone off the table.

"That's not safe" midoriya wines
"I'll order you a cab" todoroki offers
"No please don't I'm fine if I wanted a cab I would have called one myself thank you" you respond with a lopsided grin.
"Are you sure you've drunk quite a bit" Mina says
"I'm fine I'll live" and before the could protest anymore you have them all kisses on the cheek and a big hug before running out the house.

That was really uncomfortable and revolting you think to yourself.
You jot some notes down about the effects of physical affection and head home

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