episode 3: a tight photo.

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I'm still freaking out. SHES COMING HERE?! AHHHHHHHHH?!?!?!?! Ok calm down silver calm down! Your fine your fine. Then I hear that darn stupid phone. Ugh. I guess it's challenge time? I walk to where I hear the voice and see a picnic table instead. "Huh" nickel said. A table. Table. GOD DAMN IT I KNOW YOU GUYS ARE GONNA JOKE ABOUT THIS. Is a table our challenge? I think I should just go. But then I see her. I see candle...bark bark she's hot. I just keep looking at her that I think I missed something that happened because when I snapped out of my trance mephone said that the challenge was a photo challenge?! Oh no! I look terrible  in photos... candle notices me sweating and drags me somewhere private. "Are you ok dear?, Your sweating.." candle said calmly to try and calm me. "I-IM SCARED CANDLE! W-WERE GOING TO LOSE BECAUSE OF ME! A-ALL MY PHOTOS ARE HORRIBLE!" I shouted panicking. Candle put me on her lap and started singing a lullaby to calm me, but really...her lap was warm and so....comfortable...I calmed down pretty quickly and candle smiled as she saw me hug onto her. Until... *Snap!* ...what?...I look at where the noise came from... NICKEL TOOK A PICTURE OF US AND RAN AWAY! I wanted to get up but candle stopped me. And just continued calming me down and she said.."listen silver....I...love you" she said kissing my cheek. Oh.my.god. "I....love you too..." I said. Candle blushed as our lips met..
Words in total-271

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