Chapter 1

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Also I'm going to bleep out words in this story bc my parents might read it

Anora's pov

"I have a secret. A secret I shouldn't tell anyone. Can you keep it?" I whispered. 

The boy eagerly nodded. "I stole the last cookie," I said with a mischevious grin. This isn't my real secret, of course, but even I didn't know it at the time. 

Little John giggled. It was my favorite thing to see him like that. If only I could go back, stop everything. If I hadn't left in my fit of anger, if I had stayed, I could see his smile again.


*back in time*

"You never listen!" my mother yelled. 

"Neither do you! Why should I?" I yelled back. It was like a competition, each time one yelled, the other yelled louder.

"I'm done with your sh*tty attitude. I should have left you with your father, f*cking waste of space," she muttered. 

The only thing that had kept me here over the years was Little John. I was afraid that if I left, no one would be around to protect him. Our mother had gotten increasingly mean over the years, and was a total drunk. For some reason, 5 years ago when my parents divorced, she fought in court to keep us. Maybe it was out of spite for my dad, who actually loved us. He was broken, you could see it in his eyes. We haven't seen him since, the evil b*tch won't let us. To be honest, I had no idea where my father was. That was part of the reason I hadn't left, I had no where to go.

But this was the final straw. I had enough of her horrible treatment. I stormed to my room and slammed the door as hard as I could. My heart racing, I hurriedly packed my backpack. I kept an envelope of money underneath my bed, where the witch couldn't find it. Until I could find my father, I would have to surf couches and stay in cheap crappy motels. John and I would have to share a bed, nonono, I would sleep on the couch. He deserves the whole bed. 

Oh Sh*t! I still have to pack his bag too. I can survive with wearing the same shirt and pants, but its not fair to force John to do that too. I'll put some of his clothes in my bag, and the rest in his. He won't go anywhere without his teddy, so I'll pack that too...

Now the easy part. Well, hopefully it will be easy. Normally he will do just about anything if I ask him to, but asking him to leave his mom is kind of a tall order. After all, she's never around him (thanks to me) so he doesn't see what a horrible person she is.

It doesn't matter, we need to go now. She's said she's finally done. She's never said that before, only said she was "about done." To be completely honest, I am scared for my own life. She has hit me before, and recently its gotten worse. She has... threatened me. Gone to her room and grabbed her pistol, waved it around, said some things I can't unhear. She used to apologize after we fought, asked for me to forgive her. For a long time I did. After the pistol incedent, I was done. I pretended, and so did she.  We pretended to be a happy family when she wasn't drunk. I'm guessing you can see that we didn't pretend to be a happy family often. 

"An-an?" John was peeking around the doorway. "I'm scared. Why are you and mommy fighting again? I don't want you to fight anymore."

I felt my heart break a tiny bit. Fighting the tears back, both from my own stress and seeing his innocent sweet nature, I tell him what has to happen. That we aren't safe with "mommy" anymore. As tears of his own started to well up, he nodded. I was surprised at how easily he agreed. Not really agreed, but accepted. 

I grabbed my backpack and his, and went running for the back door of our little trailer house. Her trailer house now, I wanted nothing to do with it.


There was a high buzzing noise in my ear. I stopped in my tracks, I couldn't move.  My blood was pumping. Then I realized what had happened. We had been shot at. Our own mother tried to kill us. Not us, me. You would think there would be some sort of line, killing your own family would kind of be an extreme, right? Apparently not for my mother. 

Sh*t! I needed to keep running, if I had any chance of living. I looked down at John. He was rattled, but he was ok.

"You little b*tch! Get back here!"

I told John to run. Let go of my hand and run as fast as possible. Something told me he needed to let go. There was a buzzing in my body, something I had never felt before. I felt like a ticking time bomb. He needed to let go! He wasn't safe with me. But if he wasn't safe with me, who could he go to? What would happen?


Another shot.


The buzzing was more intense now, almost a roar. As if every fiber and cell of my body were tearing each other apart and putting themselves back together in a new way.  A twisted way. My right arm was getting hotter. It felt as if it was burning up from the inside. 


This wasn't a shot. It was an explosion. An explosion to the right of me. 

"JOHN!"  I screamed. What happened? Why was John bleeding and burned? I picked him up and ran. Ran as fast as I could. There was a hospital nearby, right? All I had to do was get to the hospital. They could help him. It would be ok.

John would be ok. 


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