A blob to a god

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Once upon a time...
There was a small fatty called The blob, he was bullied every day for being a blob. One day he came into school and Ryan Reynolds... KISSED HIM 😱 He was so surprised, Ryan whispered into his ear "My bubbly baby, come close so I can hold you tight" He was so surprised, The blob just held him tight. After two years of dating he saw Ryan Reynolds starting to lose interest. He was so sad he cried, he ran to the nearest cliff and then he cried but the wind blew so hard it bubbled him up and he fell. He fell right onto a rock and then the rock coursed through his veins. He felt the power! Ryan Reynolds couldn't believe his eyes. However The rock decided that he doesn't need Ryan Reynolds for true power. He searched the galaxy for his father, The boulder. After searching for 300 years he finally found him. In heaven. He called himself "God" He killed him then overthrows him. He is now the king of everything. A blob to a god.

By D 🧍

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