Love isnt love if it fades

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A love that fades is a waist of time, your heart, and feelings
Love shouldn't fade and if it does its not love
What is love you question day by day
Can feel love, can fall into love, can I see love

Is love that uprising feeling in my soul , you ask
Is love that heart beat skipping moment , you ask
Is love that eye popping, knees locking moment, you ask
Is love that feeling that no matter how hard you try you'll never let go moment, you ask

Then you think again, and wonder have I ever felt that with my lover
Will I ever feel that with my lover
Can I ever feel that with my lover
Better yet where is my true lover

The one who gives you the smallest things in the world
And it feels like the biggest thing in the world
The one who says the simplest things in the world
And makes you feel like the king or queen of this world

The one who would die for you all because you said
Three words and meant them
And they would die because true love never fades

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2015 ⏰

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