• Chapter 1 • School •

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Disclaimer: Most of the story Is Sean's POV If It says "Me or I" That means Sean because this Is Sean's story obviously.

"In math class"
Mrs. Johnson's POV
Alright class!! Who wants to solve -7+8⁸+-⅔ on the board? Anyone? "Mrs. Johnson looks at Sean" Sean, How about you come and solve this for us okay? You got a A+ on your last test so come up!

Sean's POV
You know, It's really embarrassing when teachers make you answer a question just because you aced 1 test? "Sean's mind said" Oh sure!! I will solve It!! "Sean ran up to the board as the others stared at him" I obviously had anxiety, Im not talking about regular anxiety I mean really bad anxiety. Like the anxiety when you have a breakdown Infront of the class. Yeah that one.

Do I really have to do this..? "Said Sean" Yes you do I picked you to solve the problem Infront of the class, There's no going back, Now solve It smart boy. "Said Mrs. Johnson"

Okay Mrs!! "I grabbed one of her dry erase markers from the bucket and I looked at the problem trying to see what to do first" Hmm.... It's... It's... "My knees started shaking I knew my anxiety was starting. When my knees start shaking I know I'm starting my anxiety, that's when I know I'm going to embarrass myself Infront of the whole class.

The students just looked at me like I was dumb, You know that look they give you when you just stand there Infront of the class being such an idiot. "I circled the first thing I needed to do In the problem" At least I got 1 step done. Yeah I'm not as smart as you think I am. I think I'm the stupid one In class.

"I sighed" Mrs. I need to use the bathroom I think my stomach Is acting up a bit!! "Sean lied" Oh sure Sean! Someone else can pickup where you left off on your problem! "Mrs Johnson said" I put my hands on my stomach acting like I had a stomach ache just to escape doing a math problem "I ran out really fast" That was a close one... I mean a really close one...

I ran to the bathroom really fast and I was thinking of a good plan. A plan that can get me out of school In second's. The plan was for me to pretend to vomit In the school bathrooms, Ah yes this works everytime any student tries it! I was thinking of what to make the vomit out of till I actually started to search the bathroom for stuff you know..? I obviously didn't find anything to use what did I expect anyways? All the ingredients to make vomit sitting Infront of me? No, I had to search for It. I have to go to the cafeteria to get all the ingredients to do all that crazy stuff.

So I actually went to the cafeteria I grabbed my money out of my hoodie pockets and went to the buying station. Uhh... May I get some milk.. Some crackers, A banana, And lastly carrots..?
Sure! 5$... "Said the lunch lady" Okay!! "I gave her the money grabbed the items and ran back to the bathroom.

I knew how to make the fake vomit, It wasn't to hard!! First I dumped the whole milk carton into the toilet. I giggled a bit. Next I grabbed the crackers and shoved them all into my mouth and started chewing the crackers softly. After I chewed them I just spit the whole thing into the toilet. I know you might think that's gross but I had too, Just to escape school.

After I spit the whole thing into the toilet I grabbed the carrots and crushed them with my hands so that time It wasn't to gross. Then the last thing I grabbed was a banana I squished the banana and threw It into the toilet. I'm finally done with the fake vomit!! "Sean said" Hmm... I was thinking of putting some on my hoodie to make It even more realistic so I did.

I wanted my forehead to be hot because you know when your sick your forehead becomes 100° Degrees? So I grabbed a lightbulb from the bathroom ceiling. And yeah I had to stand on a sink to get to a lightbulb after I got down I placed the hot lightbulb on my head for 13 seconds and yes It worked my forehead felt hotter then 100° Degrees. Then I screwed the lightbulb back onto the ceiling. And yes when you take off a lightbulb it's still a bit hot.

I waited 10 minutes till the teacher came Into the bathroom without no hesitation she didn't care If It was the boys bathroom she wanted to see If I was okay. I started making fake gagging noises as I heard her voice, Sean are you okay...? "Said Mrs. Johnson" I kept making fake gagging noises and ignoring her completely. Finally she went to the stall door and opened It. Sean look at me... I looked at her as I started "Fake" Coughing.

She looked at me and put her hands on my forehead as she said, Sean your forehead Is flaming hot are you okay!? "Said Mrs. Johnson" No.. I think I need a nurse... Mrs. Johnson was actually carrying me to the nurses office so I wouldn't have to walk. Yes my plan worked out!

(Chapter 2 Is currently out!)

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