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Peace is how I would describe the forest. Others would say that it's dangerous, and I agree if you don't know your way around. I knew this forest like the back of my hand. I guess that happens when you're a traveler or an adventurer, especially when you are a veteran. In my case, it would be an adventurer. I had been doing this for five years, so I have experience getting around the forest. How about I start at the beginning before the forest before everything. It was like any other day except that it was time that I started my adventure in finding the goddess of death Kristin; it took a while to collect everything I needed since it was so expensive. The goddess of death Kristin, no one has seen her

or came back alive in that matter. I want to be the first person to come back alive and with proof that she was real. Even if the townspeople may think, this crazy for trying to find someone that might be a myth or a legend that might not even exist, I just wanted to there; was something about that brought my attention to her and, I just wanted to learn more about her. That was going to be a difficult journey, especially when her followers had either died or started to hide from society so getting clues about her or where her temple was going to be a challenge. The only way people know where her temple is is by the hordes of crows that surround the temple and protect it, it was hard enough to find it; it gets harder to get the crows' trust to let you in even then it isn't, guaranteed they would help you. I am not one to give up so easily, especially: when I am motivated by something. But first things first, I need to find a map where it can lead me to the temple. The only clue I have is about the rumors; that have been spreading around about the abandoned cottage of a follower in the north, it wouldn't hurt to try and find the cabin of her followers that might even have the map that leads to the temple. Well,

this was going to be an adventure and one that I will not regret. While I was getting my bag to start my quest to the cabin: there was a knock on the door, so I dashed to see who it was at the door when I reached it! I wasn't expecting my friends Techno, Wilbur, and Tommy. When I was about to open my mouth Techno, beat me to it "So we heard that you were going on an adventure without us, Phil?" he said with his monotone voice. "Yeah, and you didn't even think of bringing us with you to find the goddess that you been simping for!" Tommy said almost, shouting." Tommy, simping isn't even a word!" Wilbur said with an exasperated yell. "YES, IT FUCKING IS YOU, DIMWIT!" Tommy full out yelled and, this was the start of an argument I didn't want to get involved with, so just talked with Techno "How did you find out that I was leaving today?" I asked. "Call it a hunch if you will Phil" he responded. We stayed silent for

a while. ' I should break them up before it gets awful' I thought and, I suppose Techno was thinking the same since he gave me a side glance that I knew all too well. "Alright, you two calm your horses and, Tommy Wilbur is right simping isn't even a word," I told Tommy wasn't pleased with what I just said since he was pouting and glaring at me. " So Philza, are you going to take us to this goddess, or are we going by force," Wilbur said with a cheerful voice. ' Even if I say no you three would follow me as your life depended on it, I thought. I sighed " Yeah, sure mate you guys can come along to the journey ONLY if you guys behave that's, mostly to you two Tommy and Wilbur," I declared. The look of shock and betrayal on their faces was hilarious that I even heard Techno snicker and, that's a surprise since he hardly ever laughs. " OI! what about Techno!" They both exclaimed." He's the calmest out of you two, and he doesn't try to start a fight with other people, except when he's intoxicated, then he starts to exchange blows," I said. The look of shock on his face that we all busted out laughing."Phil, I thought we were friends, old pal" Techno said, with the most dramatic voice I heard him ever do. Before I could even answer him Wilbur piped in " To answer you, Phil, before I disregard, yes we will behave of your journey for your love !" Tommy exclaimed the love with a kissy face, the look of despair on Wilbur's face was priceless, after all, he was trying to convince me to let them go.

~~~~~??? Pov~~~~~

It was amusing to see them argue especially, with the man that got my attention. " You know it's pathetic to see you fall in love with a mortal, Kristin," a voice said when I turned around, I could see the god of manipulation XD," Says the god that has desperately searched for a mate, "I said with annoyance. " That's, a different story, Kristin and, you know it!" he said with such rage I thought he was going to explode. I got up from my kneeling position " how so? if I remember correctly, you almost got to manipulate HD into thinking you were his mate" I said with dryness; when I looked at him I can see he was fuming even with that mask on that looked like they scratched the letters XD. I looked a little while and sighed ' I feel sorry for the poor soul that gets stuck with him, ' I thought. I looked away from him and walked away from XD; that was before I heard him scream, " MARK MY WORD KRISTIN, I'LL MAKE HIM HATE YOU EVEN IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO!" The rage in his voice was terrifying even for a goddess as old as me. ' My word must have hit a sensitive spot ' I thought while I kept walking away.

What they both didn't notice was the shadow that was spying on the gods 'well, this will be an entertaining turn of events in history, the shadowed entity thought before he faded away like he was never there in the first place.

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