Silent Daydreams

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My bare feet dangle excitedly beneath my legs
back and forth
back and forth
they chase each other about in the air like trapeze artists
Every so often my feet bump the black bar beneath my chair
I can feel the thud vibrate through the flesh on my soles
I can feel it buzz up through the wood 
My fingers tap dance along the keyboard of my computer
striking each pose with gusto 
The thud click click creates an old garage band type of melody
My shoulders join, swaying as if kissed by a light breeze
I am restless

Students stride down this hallway like free men
even though there is an insurmountable amount of time
before the liberty bell rings

If I close my eyes
the warm touch of sunlight settles itself on my shoulders 
The imaginary breeze blows harder
winding fingers through my hair and curling tendrils around my cheeks 
The round tables rooted like trees along this passageway, dancers, 
terpsichorean elm in ebony tutus
twirling tastefully to the thudding and clicking of my garage band 
The afternoon laughs with us as we dance to a music inside our own head

Then the bell rings
and the players put down their instruments.
The dancers walk offstage without a bow.
The students pick up their lives as they pack up their things.
The absence of music
the silence in the cacophony of busy and meaningless chatter
is deafening.

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