Tea Sis

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You were angry. You wanted to slap her. How dare she rat you out like that?! 

Huffing, you grabbed your phone and scrolled through your contacts then sniffled when you saw that your other bestie was on.

You quickly clicked on his contact and called him, "Pick up Waifu..." You sniffled.

After your phone ringed for a bit, you smiled when you heard a small, "Hello?"

"Koshi!" You squealed, making the poor boy on the other end groan from your loudness.

Sugawara sighed, "What is it (Y/n)? I was trying to study." He stated and you could hear the page be turned.

You stood there for a bit then gasping, "Oh yeah! I called you because bestie ratted me out to the coach!" You explained as you plopped on your bed.

"What did Kokomi do this time?" Sugawara asked.

"Koshi, she told the coach that I had hurt myself and that my doctor said I couldn't do jack! Ugh! It's just a small sprain! I can still set!" You explained as you turned and laid on your stomach.

Sugawara was silent for a bit, "How did you hurt yourself?" He questioned.

You pouted as you lend against the palm of your fist, "I tripped over my bed reaching to pet my cat..." You mumbled.

"Y-You what?" Sugawara questioned as he laughed a bit.

Groaning, you laid onto your side, "I tripped over my bed reaching to pet my cat." You repeated.

Sugawara then laughed, and you whined at him, "Koshi! Don't laugh! It was a half tear and they don't know if I'll be able to play!" You cried as you dabbed the tears away with your sweater sleeves.

"Well, maybe you should've just left your cat alone." Sugawara stated.

You scoffed, "But Oreo is too cute! I can't not give my cat the attention she deserves!" You explained and turned onto your back.

Sugawara sighed, "Oreo is pretty cute." He agreed.

You chuckled, "But not as cute as you~!" You said, which made Sugawara roll his eyes.

"Why are you even up (Y/n)? Don't you have a test tomorrow or something?" Sugawara asked.

Scoffing, you sat up and pulled your knees close to your chest, "Yeah, but I'm pretty sure I'll pass since I'm doing well in Algebra anyway." You stated, "And why are YOU up mister?"

Sugawara chuckled, "I'm studying too, though my test isn't till next week." He stated.

You hummed, "Can I see my Waifus face?" You asked.

Sugawara sighed, "Alright." He mumbled then turned his screen on when you pulled away.

When he saw your face he gasped, "(Y/n)! What happened?" He questioned.

Gently touching one of the bandages that was on your face, you shrugged, "I got into a fight with a first-year and he was a meanie pants." You explained without a care and looked at your beautiful painted nails.

Sugawara shook his head as he rubbed his temple, "(Y/n)..." He whined.

You huffed, "What was I supposed to do? Ignore him?" You questioned.

"Yes!" Sugawara yelled, making you pout.

"But even if they were being mean to you, you wouldn't want me to defend your honor?" You pouted with puppy eyes. 

Sugawara stared at you before looking away with a slight blush, "Just stop getting into fights." He huffed. 

You smiled, "Okay~!" You squealed then rambled on about things. 

Before you both knew it, it was almost midnight and Sugawara got a text. 

He looked at the text then gasped, "Crap!" He hissed as he quickly typed. 

You hummed tiredly, "What is it?" You questioned. 

"Daichi saw me online and he's mad!" Sugawara said as he stopped texting. 

You whined, "Tell him your (husband/wife) is talking to you." You huffed. 

Sugawara sighed, "I can't. Gotta go, night. Love you!" He blew a kiss before ending the call. 

Grumbling, you texted Sugawara an 'Love you!' as well. 

He deserved all of your love and you were gonna give it to him. 


Til next chapter~!🌸

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