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sk8r_t, l

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sk8r_t, l.tech, freddy.huerta and 371 others liked this photo

summer_hthw Just admiring the beauty of the world

sk8r_t You're beautiful Bubbles ❤️

l.tech Nice pic Sum

freddy.huerta Yeah and she's on the photo 😍

l.tech Ehhhhhh

sk8r_t What was that freddy.huerta

freddy.huerta Oh, it's nothing

dewey.rock4ever No, there is definitely something

sk8r_t Summer ? Nothing to say ?

dewey.rock4ever I have one thing to say #Fremmer

freddy.huerta Fremmer ?

zackattack Freddy + Summer

summer_hthw Guys he has a girlfriend and Zack remember our deal

freddy.huerta I don't have a girlfriend anymore

sk8r_t You broke up with Kale ?

summer_hthw Freddy are you ok ?

freddy.huerta Yeah I'm fine 🙂

zackattack Why did you guys broke up ?

freddy.huerta I realised I don't love her and she said that someone very important to me was a slut

l.tech If we change the subject can someone tell me what's the deal between Summer and Zack ?

zackattack Oh it's nothing

summer_hthw He knows what he has to do

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