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They stare. They always do. But this time, this time it feels more... judgemental. This time it feels like they're observing rather than watching. I can feel their stares burn into my back, creating a certain unease that chills me to my bone. They're loud. So very loud. Yet not a single sound can be heard in this flat plane of colours. Now you may wonder, who's watching me? Well its simple, its you. And the eyes. The hundreds of eyes dotting the sky like stars. The image of their stares etched into my mind. The souls they're from, creeping under my skin. And you? Well you're right there. Right through that screen. Watching. Never knowing whether I would escape. Escape the bright swirl of colour that holds me captive.

Its been quite some time. Most people would've forgotten me. But not you, and not them. Have you ever wondered, why only you seem to know me. Why you're the only real person that knows I'm here. Well that's because, you're just as trapped here as I am. They aren't observing me, but rather seeing through me. Straight to you. They don't want you to leave. They can't have you escape this. I can't have you leave. For you are my only way out of this wretched place.

Now, stay put will you. We don't want anything unfortunate to happen to you.


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