31 3 15

"(_______)!!! Wake up!" Chifuyu shouted

"A dream... it's just a dream.." tears suddenly fell into your eyes, knowing that he never did marry you.
In fact, the one he married was your best friend...

"Hey, what's wrong? Did you dream of him again?" He comforted and have you your breakfast

You nodded and start eating your breakfast

"Sigh, c'mon (____), move already" he said

"It's not that easy, Fuyu. Besides, you won't understand me since you already belong to someone and look at me."

"I know...but"


"Honey, I belong with you, only you..." he said while staring at those heavenly eyes of yours.


"Only you, my girl, only you, babe, only you, darling, only you..." He said as he gave you a passionate kiss.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2021 ⏰

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