Are you that somebody?

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Here I am . Three years later. With my baby girl Aubrey ' Aire Harris. Although she doesn't have her dad in her life I still gave her her father's last name.

As I was walking down the hallway to the elevator I noticed a man on the elevator who looks just like Aubrey. No . That can't be Tyrone . I noticed that I stopped in the middle of the hallway when Aubrey tugged on my shirt. "We gonna go down the stairs okay babe?" "Okay mama." When we reached the bottom floor I seen Tyrone walking out the door to the indoor garage. Damn. Oh well. I walked out right behind him.

"Tyrone?" Tyrone turned right around and said "Do I know you?" How can he not remember me? We went out for over 2 years . "Oh I'm sorry I thought you were someone else." "Nah, nah I know you from somewhere." He said walking towards me. "I said wrong person you don't know me!" I said pushing Aubrey ' Aire behind me. "What's wrong Mama?" Aubrey said coming from behind me?"

I glanced over at the unknown man standing next to Tyrone as his eyes bulged out as he looked from my daughter to Tyrone. Shit.

"Nothing mamas I'm okay." "Anyways what's your name?" Tyrone said as he tossed the unknown man his keys to his car I'm guessing. I had to think quick. "Me?" I asked looking around playing dumb. "Oh no the elevator right behind you." " Oh well I don't know his or her name so I guess that means bye."


Tyrone Pov.

Me and Jeremiah was just kicking it at his mama house, but I couldn't get ole girl from the apartments out my head. "Man I swear I know ole girl from somewhere." I said to Jeremiah. I think I seen her at a strip club before. "Nah bruh you shoulda seen ole girl daughter, she looked just like you." Jeremiah said passing the blunt back to me. "Man nah I know not to be silly I wraps my willy." "Hit tf but nah bro for real she looked like you." Damn this nigga serious. Jeremiah don't play bout his mama. Fuck man. "Well we know where she stay wanna just hang out there til we see her?" "whatever floats ya boat homeboy."


I just want to say thanks for reading . This is my first book ( i know yall could tell ) I've been thinking about writing this book for a long while but I always forget and work on another one or don't have anything to write that goes with the book . With that being said Don't forget to vote & coment (:

To yall , from irdua

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