Chapter 5

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°・*:.。.:*゚:*:✼✿ ❁ཻུ۪۪⸙͎ ✿✼:*゚:.。.:*・°


Daniel’s eyes widen

"S-Sir! Your nose!" Daniel ran to him

'Damn you, Crystal! You didn’t say anything about this!' The guy thought

"Your nose is bleeding..!" Daniel said

"S-Step back" He blushed while covering his mouth and nose

Daniel nodded and step back a bit, is he sick? Why did his nose bleed? Daniel had alot of question in his mind

"Are you okay..?" Daniel asked

"Im fine" He replied

Then the guy got out of the room, leaving Daniel dumbfounded

"I knew you were gonna get interested" Suddenly a voice perked up the guys ears

"Crystal.." The guy said

"Hey, DG" Crystal said

The guy named DG frowned

"You.. Planned this, didn’t you?" DG asked

"In the end you fall in love with him, so it was worth it" Crystal shrugged

"Tch, im gonna go in again, those innocent eyes are probably gonna be sad if i didn’t come back" DG said

"Aww, do you care for him?" Crystal asked, playfully

"Shut up" DG said, blushing in pink

"sniff* sniff* You’re all grown up now" Crystal said wiping an non-existed tear

'Im literally older than you, you piece of sh-'

"Crystal..?" Someine from behind called

It was Daniel peeking from the door

"Ah, hello Daniel, is there anything you need?" Crystal asked

Daniel shook his head

"But.. Is the guy okay?" Daniel asked looking at DG

DG felt an arrow pierce through his heart, just.. How is he so adorable and cute?! It feels very illegal

"Of course, he just had.. ‘Guy’ problems" Crystal smiled

DG felt like he want to punch Crystal right now, what does she means by ‘Guy problems’?!

"O..kay?" Daniel replied, dumbfounded

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Now, DG was at his studio with Daniel, Crystal didn’t come because she had ‘some’ problems in her hands. That left the two alone in the studio togther

"So, do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend?" DG asked, curiously

"I do, i have a boyfriend!" Daniel said proudly

DG frowned after hearing that,  who was the lucky person?

"Oh.. Who is it?" DG continue to asked

"Well, a boyfriend means a boy thats a friend, right? So you’re my boyfriend!" Daniel smiled innocently

DG frozed

"Wha- wait no- thats not what i-" Then blood started coming out from DG’s nose again


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"Sorry for worrying you, Daniel. Im okay now" DG said, blushing

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