2.4 till the day we meet again

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Unknow Artist

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From a rumor they say, lantern rites will begin in about two days.

Y/n sat down on top of a rock gazing down at liyue. Stares and wonders things in her mind. Oh, how she wishes she could quickly disappear from liyue right now. The leaves move to create a rustling sound as the wind blows the place. She closed her eyes as y/n could feel the tiredness slowly kicking in.

But no, far away the sound of a child screaming. Instantly she shot her eye back open and raised her head. Seeing a girl clinging on a piece of stone with a few of her friends trying to help her out. If she fell she would hit the roof or perhaps the floor where a cooking contest was held and die. Over the past three years, y/n have witnessed lots of death, and this does not change from others for her. Sometimes fate brings death and perhaps the young girl was destined to die. Just like how y/n think she is not meant for xiao.

Silently, y/n stare at the children who continue to struggle. from her location, she doesn't even know if she will reach them in time. why not just help them at all. She thought. "ah how heartless of me...haha" she whispers then turns away, pretending to not notice the children.

Someone will help them. someone will. it doesn't need to be me. What can I do? they are screaming and crying out loud anyway, see look down there. people are starting to gather, someone will go up there and save them

Y/n look back at the children again, all of the little girl's friends face is redder as they hold onto the girl, but as each tick, the clock moves she could see slowly, slowly the little girl is sliding down. Eventually, she saw everything in slow motion, the little girl slipped from all of her friend's hands and began to fall.

It didn't matter, whether or not you could save the girl in time, with no more hesitation you run over to where the children are, pushing them away from the cliff and you jump down. "HOLD MY HAND!!" you yelled out to the girl, with a teary eye, the girl locked her eye on y/n.

she raised her hand up like you asked, Quickly you grabbed your Anemo bomb from the pocket and threw it down creating wind current. Then with your pyro skill, you boost your speed, catch the girl, open the gilder, and glide down. Upon reaching the ground, everyone cheered and clapped at this heroic act. But now, you didn't want all of the attention.

"t-thank you!!" in her shaky voice she thanked you, as you put her down. immediately the girl's parents run over to the girl giving her a tight hug, thanking you again with tears and smiles. "how should I repay you, thank you so much" they repeated.

You smile and pat the girl on the head, opening your mouth trying to say a word but you caught eye contact with someone. He is smiling softly at you. Breaking the eye contact you froze up in place. "i-its okay I don't need anything-

"but you save our daughter life-

"NO!!!! I DON'T NEED ANYTHING !!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!" you gasp out, realizing what you just said. they look at you, shocked. "i... no.. that's not..." you try to take back what you have said but the parents just laugh out nervously, insisting on leaving you. The crowds eventually fade away, as people go back to what they have been doing. With the people walking away, a certain male walks closer to you. He stands in front of you with a smile.

"Good afternoon, Long time no see y/n" he softly says. "it's.... nice seeing you too, Zhongli" awkwardly you reply, still looking down at the floor. "Have you come to visit liyue? why don't we go for a walk" he suggested, not asking you where you have been or how are you doing. as if he knew what happened during your disappearance.

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