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February 23rd

school honestly sucks. I've been in this bitch for too long but luckily it's senior year. The year Inna, Liza, & me (y/n) get to leave.

Liza's birthday jus passed up & we threw this party for her. Huge party. I mean she was turning 19 about to end her teenage years. We probably should've saved it for 20 but oh well.

"y/n" I was interrupted by Mrs. Martinez, my 5th period teacher


"Pack up we have 5 more minutes til class ends" she says as everyone looks at me.

"mm turn ur heads back around damn" I said rolling my eyes.

;- time skipped

Last period (6th)

"Y/N" someone yells from behind me.

"what are u yelling for Inna" i said looking back at her

"Cause I yelled ur name like 8 times but u weren't listening"

"Oh, well what do u need?"

"Let's skip"

"Inna nooooo" I said disagreeing with her obviously

"Please I wanna skip"

"Why we have literally 20 more minutes lef-"

"I HAVE TO SHIT" she said loud enough for some to hear & giggle at.

We started burst out laughing & left. I texted Liza what happened & she said ok. We eventually went to inna's house which was closer & her mom wasn't home, so she could shit there.

I felt nauseous, like I needed to throw up there. & there was no holding it in.

Inna's pov

"Y/nnnnnn" I said turning off my phone, putting it on the bathroom counter.

No answer.


Still no answer.

"What the fuck is she doing"


nope. All I heard was ... throwing up?

"This bitch better not be throwing up here" I said proceeding to get up. "Fuck how am I gonna wipe my ass." I said with no toilet paper. "Y/N I SWEAR IF U DON-"

"I'm here" she said with stuff on her face

"Gurl wtf is that- no no no are u sick?"

"I think idk"

"Damn it"

"Damn it what?"

"Nothing that's probably why I'm shitting my ass off" she says. "NOW, may I please have some toilet tissue"



March 26th
After ur birthday

Y/n's pov:

Still feeling nauseous. It's been days & idk wtf to do. I mean I feel fine but I don't. It's scary because I've never felt this way. Wtf is wrong with me.

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