Part-3 Getting Wild

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Excited for the late night life Jian Yi put on some stylish clothes not just funny t-shirts to make Zheng Xi pissed, he chose something that actually fits his style and makes him look good. He felt good and decided to walk on the street and see where he would end up. After some turns he ended up in the sketchy side of town, it might not have been the best option and it would be something that Zheng Xi would dislike but he didn't care, he would probably have an adventure here and that's all that matters. He observed the shops and the buildings, noticed lots of motels, some clubs, sex shops, casinos, bars and more. He was getting more and more excited, he didn't know where he would end up but he sure as hell knew that the fun was about to start. Walking down more he decided to go to a bar, and by the looks of it and luckily for him it was a gay bar. Thrilled about it he went in and looked around, it was nice there were a lot of people there which was a good sign. Thankfully he brought enough money to buy a few drinks. He made small chat with the bartender and with some other clients, most of them were pretty amicable and a lot of them flirted with him. That honestly made his confidence go up, with so many rejections he was starting to think he wasn't as handsome as he thought he was. It was fun talking to new people, getting to know stories about them, and feeling comfortable with people who understood him. He was having fun and made a few friends out of it. After some time he started feeling a little tipsy so he decided to go out and take some air, he sat on a bench admiring the flashy lights of every place. To his surprise a tall man sat beside him while lighting a cigarette, after looking at him better he realized it was a very hot stranger. He was tall, about 6ft or more, black hair, penetrating blue eyes, he looked serious. Although he was wearing a suit it could be noticed how toned he was, by the looks of it he had some tattoos, they were slightly visible since they appeared in his neck and wrist. Overall Jian Yi could clearly see that the guy looked a tiny bit dangerous to be around with, but that wasn't so important cause he was really really hot.
Realizing he was staring a bit too much he went back to looking at the lights, however what Jian Yi didn't know was that the hot guy was now looking at him. After a short but comfortable silence that tall man started to talk.
Man: Aren't you a little too young to be on this side of town?
Yi: *giggles a bit* you are the first person to tell me that, not even at the bar did they ask me for my age.
Man: *smiles a bit with the cute giggle of Yi* oh yeah? Well you are lucky you didn't get in trouble kid.
Yi: I know, but honestly I don't mind getting in a bit of it *said calmly* and you don't look that old yourself to be calling me kid tho.
Man:*sighs* at least someone doesn't look at me as an old man, I am 32 years old.
Yi: well, I think that your serious expression makes you look older but you don't look bad at all it actually makes you look hotter- *realizing what he said to the complete stranger he blushed a bit*
Man: *laughs at the reaction* well thank you kid, you don't look so bad yourself.
Yi: *smiles with q blush at the comment* thanks!
(After some more small talk)
Man: So what exactly are you doing here?
Yi: well just wanted to have fun and see where I end up in
Man: I see *smirking a bit while getting closer to Jian Yi* What kind of fun are you up to? *laying his big hands on Yi's thigh*
Yi: *slightly taken back by the strangers actions but kinda interested* whatever fun I can get *smiling a bit with the fact that a hot guy wanted to do something with him*
Man: Well, if you are interested you and I could go and have fun in a nice place around here.
Yi: /thoughts: I know doing this is too risky and it is my first time, I always thought I would do it with Xixi but I know that will never happen, then again this man is really hot and wants to do something with me. I came here to have fun and I guess this is what the night had prepared for me, so let's get wild Yi/ -it will be my pleasure
(The guy drove him to a fancy looking love hotel and got them a really nice room)

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