gekko and Franken gekko side of the plan

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Gekko and Franken gekko were walking in the park.

Franken gekko:what we doing in park?

Gekko:to get some villains cause alit od villains go to the park to cause mischief,mayhem or just relax.

Franken gekko:oooo who pretty lady over he pointed to luna girl sitting on a chair reading her book.

Gekko:oh that's luna girl aka ny girlfriend.

Franken gekko:she reminds me of Franken gekko girlfriend.

Gekko:anyway let's get her to join us.

Gekko:hey luna!as he called out to her as they walked over to her.

Luna girl:what loopy lizard..wait who's why does he look like you but dead?

Gekko:he's a Frankenstein version of me from another dimension his name is Franken gekko and we need your help.

Luna girl:with what?

Gekko:well basically*breaths in deeply and explains the whole think very fast* and that's why we need your so will you?

Luna girl:sure why not I was getting bored she got off her chair and went on her luna board.

Franken gekko:yay got our first teamy mate now let go get more!as he started to run.

Gekko:Franken gekko watch out!as Franken gekko trip on a banana peel as it fell on his head.

Franken gekko:who did this to Franken gekko?

Gekko:a banana so that they heard monkey giggles and seen munki-gu in the sky.

Munki-gu:hehehe who's weird rotten green lizard boy?as he flew towards them.

Gekko:we'll explain later but will you help us fight a army of mind control versions of us we are gonna need alot of your monkey munki-gu was unsure.

Gekko:it will be fun.

Munki-gu:oooo munki-gu likes fun!

Gekko:then follow us so we can recruit some more people to help us fight the they started walking but the ground started shaking like a giant walking.

Franken gekko:what that noise?

Gekko:the only thing I know that can make the ground shake like that is the-

???:hey puny green guy!as everyone looked and seen octobella in her octo-legs with percival.

Gekko:not her...

Franken gekko:we get her for team. gekko try to walk away as Franken gekko hold him but his shoulder and turn him to octobella.

Gekko:ugh...ok ima he walked towards octobella.

Octobella:oh hello little green guy you here to fight me and mess she laughed as gekko breathed in and out calmly.

Gekko:looked octobella we...need to help us defeat a army of mind controlled of me catboy and owlette.

Octobella:why should I?as he was thinking and got it.

Gekko:would you rather help us defeat the army or would have to deal with different versions of that caught her attention.

Octobella:*gasp*I can only handle one annoying ugly dumb greeny guy I can't deal with alot of them!


Octobella:*sighs*I can't believe I'm saying this but...ima help you only to get rid of the green guys though.

Gekko:close enough anywaysvI think we have a good amount of villains let's go to the town's square catboy can get the they started walking to the town's square.

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