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Mullai opened her tired burning eyes for the umpteenth time that night..She knew sleep would not come to her tonight easily..no matter how hard she tried..

Just to remedy this she had spent the entire day doing all the household works by herself..she had cleaned..washed..laundered..cooked and even went to the market on foot all alone...refusing anybody's help..just in the hope that when the night came..she would be dead tired and sleep the minute her head hit the pillow

But all in vain..she thought wearily..glancing at the clock..she had been trying to sleep for the last three hours..but no luck..she was sure exhausted from all the work she had done..but sleep still eluded her

She knew it was going to be a difficult night..she knew it since the time her husband had announced his overnight trip to procure goods..trying one last time by counting numbers backwards..she glanced at the empty side of the bed and sighed

What wouldn't she give to feel the warmth and comfort that only his arms could provide..now..her heart longed for him..she had bid him goodbye with a heavy heart when he left that evening..and had later chided herself for missing him so much..he was to return the very next morning afterall..

They had never spent a single night apart since the night of their union..then how can she be alone tonight..she thought with an adorable pout

M - Inneram avugha..chandramukhi jyothika maadiri..kannu viriya..arisi moota..ulundu moota..molaga moota nu kattipudichi thoongi irupagha..naan dan inga thookam varama thacikuren..hmpt

She stretched lazily..gazing at his side of the bed longingly and blushed thinking of all those nights..actually most of the nights when she had slept on his side..but not on the bed..

How she would be sprawled across his chest..legs tangled with his..his hand buried in her hair..caressing her gently..relishing their closeness as much as she did

She slid across to his side of the bed and buried her nose in his pillow..inhaling his faint fragrance..his maligai kada masala fragrance

Engulfed by a sense of peace her lips formed a shy smile..thinking of the numerous times she had snuggled into the crook of his neck..soaking herself in this very smell

She remembered how his arms would tighten around her in response..inhaling the scent of her flowing tresses

She chuckled thinking how sometimes his head would jerk suddenly..as a strand of her hair would tickle his nose..he would wrinkle his nose in annoyance and she would giggle uncontrollably at his cute expression irritating him more

The very next instant with eyes ripe with mischief..he would have swooped down..pinning her arms above her head with one hand..he would caress her waist with his free arm finding her ticklish spots easily..she would squeal and squirm in mirth trying to free her hands..madly wriggling under him

His hands would stop..only to slowly wander upwards from her waist..his eyes would darken..mischief replaced by another emotion

Her stomach would clench in anticipation and she would close her eyes involuntarily knowing his next move too well..only to have his lips capture hers swiftly..not disappointing her

She covered her face with her hands..blushing at the scenes her mind was reminding her of

She pulled the blanket up to her chin..warmth of which brought about another set of memories..memories of his touch..soft and gentle in the beginning..slowly transforming into passionate and possessive caresses..he would intimately stroke every inch of her skin revelling in her softness

She would lose herself completely to his touches..desperate fingers would delve into his hair..combined sensation of pain and pleasure bestowed by his lips and teeth would play havoc with her senses

💖 Endrendrum Mullai💖Where stories live. Discover now