1 - parfait to the rescue

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(might be OOC)

<<GingerBraves POV>>
GingerBrave was nervous. He had a crush on someone for a while now but didn't know how to tell them, he was running out of options of how and where to confess, not to mention the stress of being rejected. He ran through the things his crush liked. "Magic? But how would I confess with something that had to do with magic" then it hit him. Parfait, his crush loved parfaits music and he was decently close with parfait so he decided to ask her for a favour

He looked around the kingdom trying to find Parfait. He came across her practicing with Clover and Mint Choco, he waited til they were done practice so he can ask parfait as he didn't want to disturb them "Hey parfait...." Parfait turns around after hearings his voice "hey Gingerbrave! What's wrong? You seem quite down" the girl was worried for her friend. There's nothing she cared about more than making her friends happy "well you see I have a crush on someone and...I need your help confessing..." GingerBrave felt quite embarrassed to ask her something like this. Parfait smirked, not because of GingerBraves crush but just knowing that he was okay.

GingerBrave and Parfait were setting up for their plan. Parfait was gonna sing and when there was a percussion break(I think that's what you call it) GingerBrave will confess. GingerBrave felt nervous about this, he wasn't very experienced with this kind of stuff. Parfait took a break off of practice and went to comfort GingerBrave reassuring him that it's gonna go well.

Now it was the time of the concert, Parfait was thanking everyone for coming to the performance and started to sing her song. It was a love song of course, GingerBrave looked over to see his crush, Wizard cookie excited to be at the performance. Parfait was singing before looking at GingerBrave and counting down with her fingers as the song quieted down. Now was the time, he looked at Wizard cookie "hey Wizard...I have something to tell you" upon hearing those words Wizard cookie looked at GingerBrave, GingerBrave spoke quickly "listen I...IREALLYLIKEYOUANDIGETIFYOUDONTFEELTHESAME" he quietly screams. He heard Wizard cookie giggling before him took down his scarf and kissed GingerBrave, as soon as he did the song became louder and fireworks started appearing.

Wait this wasn't planned? Wizard cookie giggled again "I overheard your conversation" Wizard cookie said. GingerBrave felt so dumb, how did he not notice Wizard cookie!? "I planned this with Parfait a bit after you left" Wizard cookie admit, GingerBrave hugged Wizard cookie "well let's enjoy the rest of the performance!" GingerBrave yelled in excitement. The only response given was a simple nod and nothing more

<<the end>>
(This is my first oneshot so it isn't the best. Constructive criticism is welcomed!)

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