a random scp foundation oc

202 4 9

Item #: 6017
Class: Euclid
Special containment procedures: scp 6017 is extremely unpredictable as we have yet to figure out their weaknesses. For now we have bribed it with whatever it seems in the mood for that day until we can figure out it's weakness and safely contain it.
Update: the scp seems to be frightened of it's reflection as doctors ⬛⬛⬛ and ⬛⬛⬛⬛ observed. We have created a room with unbreakable glass walls that behind is a moveable wall and a mirror behind that. If the scp attempts to escape or cause trouble we will simply click the lever and the mirrors will be revealed.

Description: the scp is a wolf like creature with brown fur and a deer's tail. Despite referring to itself as female it has stag horns. It has glowing diamonds scattered across it's fur. The scp goes by the name of Rain and will only respond to Rain. The scp seems to have some level of intelligence.
Update: the scp seems to fear it's own reflection. It will curl into a ball and whimper like a puppy when it views anything of itself.
Update 2: the scp has confided in us that there are more of it in the world.
Update 3: the scp has taken it's caretaker doctor ⬛⬛⬛ and refuses to surrender, even when the mirrors are deployed. We do not know what 6017 plans to do with ⬛⬛⬛ but we are concerned about over exposure symptoms that have started showing. We are calling in backup.

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