Chapter 9 Storm Titan

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Pippet's POV:

It's getting so cold and windy outside, if I had known it would be this way in Skywatch I would have brought a scarf or two. Earlier me and Hob were following this massive crowd of wizards to see what exactly they were all talking about. I think I heard someone in the crowd say something about my dad- well I mean this worlds version of him. I'm getting the impression that he's not very nice...we're in Skywatch now at a very open clearing of clouds, the wizards that looked like they were caring something heavy in their bags earlier now revealed that they're were canon balls inside them. And there was a catapult, wizards were bringing out weapons and putting on their strongest suits of armor, just what exactly was about to happen?
Hob: Huh, that armor over there reminds me a lot of Titan armor, you don't think this world actually has a storm titan do you?
Pippet: Um...I hope not, but...ah-! Is it just me or did it suddenly just get a whole lot colder??
Hob: *shivers* H-yeah, I think it did.
It felt as though the air was freezing, but then just as it started it left. It suddenly got less cold again, but that's not to say it was any less windy but...
Pippet: Huh?
"Pink imp..."
Hob: Who's there?
Me and Hob both began to feel the chilly air again, but it only felt as though it was on our backs, but when we turned around all we saw was...darkness...and six very familiar looking white eyes.

and six very familiar looking white eyes

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Agog: Hello boy.
Hob: Agog...
Pippet: AH!! What-! How I-
Agog: Calm down Pippet, it's me, don't you recognize my eyes?
Pippet: Wha...wait...Agog??? Is that you???
Agog: Yes, it's me. Did you miss me or has it not been long enough.
Pippet: But the last time I saw you, you were with Dog on Keystone fighting those...those bad people...
Agog: I wouldn't call it fighting really, more like a friendly game of chess if you will.
Pippet: But what happened? How did you get here? I thought you and Dog got hurt and...
Agog: One question at a time Pippet.
Pippet: Oh, right. Um...what exactly happened after we left? What did you and Dog do?
Agog: Well you see, at first we planed on having a mess free-for-all with those members of the order. But then I suggested that we'd have a different kind of battle. A battle of chess.
Hob: *SNORT* Y-*snort* your joking right?
Agog: Do I look like I'm joking?
Hob: Hehe...
Agog: What happened after that was predicable.
Pippet: You beat them at chess?
Agog: Each of us were playing against the two members, so it was two on two. And they both lost. I'm starting to wonder how they kept their jobs in the first place.
Pippet: And what happened after that?
Agog: We took care of them, we can't have them running around causing more catastrophe.
Hob: Wait you killed them?
Agog: What? No, I'm not a murderer, nor am I the executioner, thats someone else's job.
Pippet: Oh well that's a relief.
Hob: Darn...
Pippet: question, how did you find us here.
Agog: I'm the void, I can go anywhere I please. Well, almost.
Pippet: Oh right, I remember that part now. You still can't detach yourself from the walls?
Agog: Well not quite. But I can do this.
Me and Hob both watched Agog's head lean forward and somewhat detach himself from the wall of fluffy dark clouds behind him. I could now see what his head looked like. It looked...big...he had six horns, three on each side of his face, and a really thin long looking one sticking right up on the top of his head. But the only thing that still stood out from him was his six glowing white eyes.
Hob: Huh...that's...interesting...
He attaches himself back to the wall.
Agog: The reason I have found you today is because I have decided to make it official.
Pippet: Make what official?
Agog: I have come to except your friendship offering.
Hob: Excuse me Pippet but what exactly did you do in your time on Keystone that led the literal void itself to come and greet you?
Pippet: Well, you see, I just asked to be friends.
Agog: I'm sorry I turned down your offer earlier. But after Keystone I changed my mind, it would be nice to have someone to come and talk to. There's Dog, but she's not a really good listener.
Hob: Tell me about it.
Agog: I'm still trying to figure out how to use sarcasm.
Agog: Oh and Pippet, Hob, you might want to find a place to hide.
Pippet: Why?
Agog: The storm is coming. That's why.
Agog quickly vanished into the wall of clouds as a strong gust of cold wind swooped up and nearly carried my hat away, I held on to it tight and Hob closed her eyes to prevent any debris getting in. Lightning and thunder came from the sky and the crowd of wizards began screaming and shouting. I saw people getting the catapult ready and others bringing out more weapons and staffs. The air grew colder and colder and I begun to feel a dreadful presence. I looked up at the howling sky and saw a shadow fly by. It was only for a moment but I could have sworn I recognized the silhouette. It was tall with long arms and looked as though it were wearing a hoodie. But it only became certain when I heard a deep dreadful laugh from the sky...that was...the puppet master.

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