Chapter Four

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Much to Jamie and I's annoyance, everything picks up steam the second clocks turn over into November, the ease with which we all got used to with classes has left most of us severely underprepared when it comes to handling the increase in work. Jai and Lizzie struggle the most, what they were enjoying most about school was the countless hours they got to spend socialising with everyone in our year and above.

Second came any lesson where we were actually taught spells or charms of any kind, potions weren't as exciting but applying endless lessons of theory into a practical lesson was rewarding none the less.

Jamie even seems disgruntled by potions, which surprises me greatly considering it was what he looked forward to the most, I think some small part of him thought that he would be learning healing potions not potions to cure one's enlarged nose, as if any of us had plans to have it enlarged in the first place.

Thankfully, reading ahead was mostly informative, all kinds of charms and hexes lined the pages, Percy turned himself green trying to perform a levitating charm. Even Madam Horpe was astounded at the reaction he managed to have, something about the pronunciation being similar to one of a colour-changing spell we are supposed to learn come December.

The rest of us found it hilarious much to Percy's displeasure but something changed within our group that day, the hilarity and shared displeasure of feeling like everything was moving so slowly pushed us all back together.

"Honestly this is all quite creepy" Liylah giggles nervously, arm linked within mine as the group follows Jamie and I towards the library and the subsequent hidden doorway from a week ago. Neither Jamie or I have had the opportunity to go back with the other's and the day after we had both agreed that it wouldn't be right to go back without the other's.

"At least you weren't roped into going at night, in a dark corridor" I grin, giving her arm a comforting squeeze.

"You two went at night? By yourselves?" Percy asks aghast, a curious look crossing his face as his eyes flicker between Jamie and I.

"Yeah, we couldn't very well go about in daylight with everyone wondering about, it would look far to suspicious, not to mention weird" Jamie shrugs, eyebrows creasing and darting towards me, I shrug in reply, unsure of what has Percy so wound up.

"What are we even doing?" Elizabeth asks, trailing behind with Jai next to her, her nose poking up from her Spells and Defence textbook.

"Remember when we were talking about the catacombs that one time, and theorising what would be down there after all this time, what would theoretically be left after it is said to have all crumbled" I explain, trying to rejog everyone's memory as we pass by the open library doors.

"Of course," Elizabeth nods, "But I haven't heard anything about them since that conversation, no one I have spoken to that have been exploring the castle have found anything like that, nor have they been keen to look"

"That's because no one believes they exist, and besides, the only entrance known to people is at the back of the school, that collapsed tunnel that they sectioned off" Jai shrugs, looking over Elizabeth's shoulder at what she is reading.

"Well..." Jamie broaches as we all stop next to the pillar concealing the door I found, "We think that the other entrances that were hidden around the school for easy access amongst the non-magic only reveal themselves to certain people, which would explain why almost no one has ever found them"

"You're saying you found it!" Jai questions, his interest peaking.

"Yeah, I found a door near the spell-works classroom, but we had to walk for ages to find anything, this door leads us right into the most interesting things we have found" I sell, unhooking my arm from Liylah's and pushing the door open and jumping down.

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