reasons and reasons

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My pov
I was in the kitchen preparing a fantastic sub sandwich when I was done eating diamond came in
Diamond: morning
Me: shakes my hands dismissively
Diamond: oh yh I remember since u cant talk to me doesn't mean I can't talk while u listen
Me: smirks shakes head meaning for him to continue
Diamond: last night I slept with blossom ehhh she was hot smoking hot
I continued to eat while he talked to me about how blossom was kissing him up and stuff
Me: hmmmm still eating sandwhich
Blossom: ur not supposed to be talking to him
Diamond: actually I was talking she was listening
Me: gtg walks out of kitchen and bounce into someone
Blitz: hey u ok
Me: never better gets up
Blitz: wait ummm I was wondering if you'd like to hang out sometime
Me: like a date or something????
Blitz: yh
Me: sure what time will u meet me in the training room
Blitz: 6:00
Me: cool gtg runs off to the mirror transporter when I got there I transported into the meeting room in the chi kingdom
Cha: catches me watch ur falls snickers
Me: sticks tongue at him
He puts me down
Cha: so what are u doing here
Me: ehhh chi has my pink mini dress that reaches my thighs with my long black and white socks and my cute boots the ones with the circle in it and my cute jacket that has a p on the side of it(the one in the picture)
Cha: ugh do u have a date tonight he took a step forward to me
Which I took a step back
It continued like that till i was charked against the wall
Cha: answer me
Me: yh with a guy his name is Blitz
Cha: mmmmm he pushed his lips on me which shocked me
I gasp which gave him acces to my mouth
Which he moved his tongue inside my mouth exploring my mouth not leaving an inch untouched
When he stops I was out of breathe wow
Me: wooow
Chi: I got it Minnie hands me the same outfit
Me: thnx quickly puts it on peace takes a mirror transporter to home and was about to crash into the flior
Diamond: catches me u know u should watch ur fall
Me: thinking I know dipshit
Diamond: thinking no need to be so downy nice clothes smirks the things ill like to do to u right now
Me:blushing thinking pervert gtg runs off
Diamond: kk
In the training room
Me: blitz u here
Blitz: yh so lets go
Blitz pov
I pulled her to the back garden for a picnic as we ate she never said anything
Me: so minnie hows the food and doesn't the sunset looks wonderful
Minnie: shrugs her shoulders while eating a sandwhich
Me: thinking wtf is her shitting prob I like her and then she behaves like a total gothic bitch wtf
Minnie: i know u like me and yh im a bitch but thats really not my prob got it its best to go along with stuff and be silent so yh
Me: what the
Minnie: me bc bunny and diamond can read minds bubbs and blossy can't mom said its something with them not unlocking um their full potential something like that u know
Me: wow first time u said anything so fascinating smiles at her
She smiled back
Minnie: yh u know I really don't have a prob with u princes it's just that ppl forget about my events and stuff so yh I try my best to control myself u know
Me: ur not as bad as I thought
Minnie: yh its getting late and all so we better head back inside
As we walk inside we went to dinner
Minnie pov
As I sat next to diamond I popped in my headsets and started listening to some love songs cuz I was in no mood to listen to those idiots
Diamond: telepathically speaking to me u know minnie u seem out of it today
Me: telepathically back nah its not that so diamond hiw was ur day
Diamond: telepathically bc took me to the sports room blossom tried to kiss me for 2 HOURS bubbles tried to do it for 4 HOURS and bunny wouldn't even talk to me so y the hell was she against you talking to me
Me: telepathically because she didn't want to be the only on out of the 4 to disagree so
Diamond: telepathically smirks I like the outfit u look so sexy u know
Me: blushing telepathically pervy much
Blossom: hey u two stop staring at each other
Me: mumbles whatever u say bitchy blossom
Blossom: what was that
Diamond: snickers
Me: I said whatever u say
Diamond: laughing loudly
Me: playfully nudging his sides smirks
Bubbles: thats so not what we agreed on
Me: sorry mumblea bratty babbles
Diamond: laughing
Me: Jesus Christ stop laughing before bc or bunny tells me something
Diamond: smirks fine
Bunny: so minnie
Me: yes dearest sister
Bunny: where were u today
Me: well nothing big u know me can't stay in one place to long
Butch: just tell us
Me: I went to chi and cha then I went on a date I think it was a date with blitz thats it
Boomer: awww the hard core chick likes u blitz
Butch: our lil blitz is growing up brick
Brick: he sure is wipes fake proud tears
Blade: its so funny how she likes u and shes into the bitchy behaviour
My muscles tensed my powers aching to boom them out the Window diamond and bc most have notice cyz they both held my hands
Bc: its not worthy minnie dont do it
Me: b...b...b...but bc
Diamond: no buts shes right
Me: but
Diamond and bc: no buts minnie butts is ur rear
Me: fine then lol but can I atleast send their foods to their faces
They both shaked their heads to signal I can do it as soon as butch was about to take a sip of his soup I made it bubble up and it exploded in his face
Bc: nice one
Me: thnx
Then when brick was about to sip his juice I made it levitate and dumped it on his head
Diamond: snickers sweet get it cuz the juice sweet
Me and bc laugh at his stupid joke then when boomer was gonna paste butter on his toast I made the whole slice of butter paste across his face
Me: boomer u ok u seem buttery
Buttercup: buttery lol
Boomer: shut up
I saw blade look at his food in horror as he was gonna take uo a chicken wing I made it poke him in the eye
Then finally for that jerk who didn't say anything I did all four for him
Bunny: snickers
Bubbles: who did that
Blossom: mother this is not acceptable
Mother: who ever did this its very unacceptable
Me: hmmmm hmmmm hmmmmm
Blade: it was u wasn't it bitch
Me: I dont know what you are talking about
Brick: yh only u would do something so dumb as he get up from his seat he put his hand by my throat and started choking me while raising me in the air
Me:(I didn't feel anything remember im dead ) I began to smirk after a little while I started to lick my lips everyone well my family looked at me with fear in the eyes but brick and his brothers looked at me with victory in their eyes
Blossom: minnie dont do it
Butch: do it brick do it give her the electricity
As he said that brick hand turn red with fire and he put on my skin
I didn't hurt it didn't leave a mark the truth was the real truth was that I was the #1 most feared and most powerful supernatural being in the world and underworld
Bc: diamond help me cslm her down bunny the headphones bubbles the music
My eyes turn green it was happening I was becoming my most powerful self my clothes started to transform like in the pic on the left
Bc: its to late
Me: smirks at brick grabs his hand that was around my throat and threw him to the floor ill watch wat ur doing before u and ur brothers face the wrath of minnie just then I fell to the floor and vomited and then fainted
Diamond pov
She just fell to the floor and vomitted and then fainted I was saw my sisters freaking out about the situation I just stood there motionless until he the person who just sat their and watch his brother choke minnie
Blitz: minnie is she ok about to touch her
Me: dont touch her I picked her up u four are responsible for this if anything happens to her u four are gonna have the honor of dying by my hands
Bc: wait she vomitted then she fainted this never happened before maybe some things wrong with her
Bunny: vommiting nasuea those are signs of pregnancy maybe she's pregnant!!!!!
Bubbles: no no this can't be happening shes 18!!!!!!
Bunny: correction were all 18 in human years but were all a thousand or 2 I stopped counting when I was 17 so yh
Blossom: who could've slept with her everyone watched me
Me: what
Boomer: dude isn't it obvious she's pregnant with ur baby ur always around her
Me: first u ppl are talking bullshit 2 I've been smart and scanned her body shes not pregnant the full on transformation she just did wiped out her energy she'll be fine
She started shifting in my hands
Me: anyway ill take her to her room and we'll each take turns watching her ill be first carry her to her room
As I layed her down in her bed her clothes and hair changed back to normal then she started to wake up
Minnie:diamond don't go stay with me please
Me: im never gonna leave ur side till u get better u should know ur pregnant
Me: im just joking ur fine do u know whats happening to u
Minnie: well my body feels like it have so much power I dont know about yet that is trying to release itself and I dont know what to expect u know
Me: yh ik kisses her forehead youll be fine brushes her hair u should change into your nightwear
Minnie: kk as she got up from the bed she took off her clothes and put on a very huge black t-shirt that stopped at hee thighs and it said back off on it
Me: thats the shirt I bought u when we went to the haunt mall
Minnie: I remebered that u almost killed that ghost monster for looking at me like that roll eyes
Me: yh yh yh but do u remeber when u almost killed that cat girl for looking at me in monster high
Minnie: fine u win I should go to sleep
Me: u should I left her sleeping
Thats it for now see yah next chat

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