Chapter 1

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His arms were all around me while I'm laying on the couch, watching some old runway show from early 2000s. I'm trying to do some sketches and watching some old runway might help. My boyfriend's arm never left my waist no matter how many times I tried to let go.

He and his friends graduated from college while me and Seonji are the only ones left. Some of his friends are already working but this man choose to be jobless. There are numerous modelling agency who wants to cast him since his name is already well known in the modelling industry but he turned down all the offer. He actually earns quite a lot of money for someone who's not even at an entertainment because he still accept some photoshoot or runway from time to time and they really pay him well.

Him being a freelance model is nice though. We got to spend a lot of time together, he always pick me up from school and go to dates every weekend.

"Love, it's getting late and you still haven't showered." I said as I look at him, laying on our now comfortable couch, hands all over me. My mom changed some of the things in our shared apartment after she found out that we live together, to make it easier for us since we lack some home essentials and some of the things in the apartment are small for the both of us.

My brother unintentionally revealed it since he forgot that our parents didn't know. I wasn't mad at him and my parents wasn't mad either. They were skeptical at first but they trust Hyungwon enough to let me live here.

"I don't wanna showerrrr" he whined as he tightened his hold on my waist.

"Ew you smell like an old man" I said as I cover my nose, trying to make it look like he really smell bad so he can took initiative to shower.

"But you still love me, right?" He asked. I can feel him smirking even though his back is facing me.

"I will love you more if you shower"

"Hmm I already received so much love, I don't need more" He said as he snuggle on my neck.

"Chae Hyungwon" He immediately stood up after hearing his full name. It's a sign that I'm slowly getting impatient and he doesn't wanna see me in that state so he immediately follow what I said.

"Yes ma'am I'll shower immediately!" He said, making his voice firm and robust while he's saluting. I gave him a smile before he took his leave.

It took him merely 10 minutes to go back to the living room with wet hair and newly dressed.

"That was fast" I said, eyes not leaving the tv.

"I want some cuddles so I hurried" he said while he hurriedly scoot over and took me on his arms.

"Now you smell good"

"I know, now kiss me" he said as he pout his lips, waiting for a kiss. I slightly slapped his lips and pushed him away.

"I can't believe you are the person who hated me... You dump my ass for so many times and now look at you, asking for a kiss" I giggled.

"Well I also wonder why hmmm what spell did you use on me?" He asked, one eyebrow raised as if he's really questioning me.

"I got caught?" I said, trying to play along with his joke

"Yes so hurry up and kiss me! That's the only way I'll forgive you" he said. His phone suddenly rang before I could even go near him to give him a kiss. He annoyingly grabbed his phone and answered the call.

"Wha- oh Hyunwoo hyung, what up? Hmm I'm doing good too.. hmm oka- wHAT?! YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED?!" Hyungwon looked at me, shocked. He bid his farewell to Shownu oppa before hanging up.

"Shownu oppa is what?!"

"He's getting married"


Hi hi hi here's the book 2 as I promised!! I revealed it earlier for you guys <3

I won't say much but I hope you comment and vote to help me


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2021 ⏰

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