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Bella Swan

I wiped a smooth hand down the soft and knitted fabric coat that I was currently wearing. I fixed my glasses on my face and waved my hand for a cab.

I got a new job today; as a personal assistant to Mr. Cullens son, Edward Cullen.

They owned the biggest business company in the United States, so to be one of their personal assistants was a very lucky thing.

Every since I moved out of Charlies house, other wise known as my dad, I moved into a small one bed apartment and I needed a job to pay for it.

I was very lucky to find that Edward Cullen needed a new assistant as a replacement for the other one he fired.

I just hope I don't get fired.

The cab pulled up and made a stop in front of me. I got in the back and told him where I was going, then leaned into my seat and got comfortable since it was going to be a long drive.


"Excuse me? Miss? We're here." I heard a faint voice out in the distance calling me. I opened my eyes and noticed that my glasses fell off my face.

I slid them back on and rubbed the fog out before paying the man and getting out the cab.

I looked up at the huge building. It towed over me and faded near the top into the fog that filled the air. Normal for Forks.

I had grown to know that in these last few days. Every thing that was gloomy here was normal.

It was different from my old town out in Phoenix. Everything was always so hot and sunny.

But here, was completely different. It was like a whole migration my father and I had made.

I snuggled into my coat more and walked into the building, looking around.

There were a few walls completely made of windows, a perfect shade of grey on the walls, long narrow staircases, and people dressed so neat that I felt completely under dressed with my clothing.

I began to wonder around until I found the main desk...or at least I thought it was the main desk.

"Uhm, excuse me?" I asked the lady.

She turned around and gave me a warm smile. She was a nice looking lady, even though she looked as if in her mid 50's.

"Goodmorning, dear." She said to me.

"Goodmorning. Uhm I was wondering where Mr. Cullen's office was?" I asked.

"You mean the Mr. Cullen or Edward Cullen, his son?" She asked with a confused expression.

"Edward Cullen. Can you show me to his office please?" I asked.

"Sure thing dear." She said.

She then picked up the phone and dialed some number. I heard a voice on the other line as she talked, it sounded like yelling.

Her face became terrified for a second, and then she looked at me and explained what I looked like through the phone.

She then hung up and looked back to me, trying to make a smile but failed...awkwardly.

Was that...Mr. Edward Cullen she was talking to?

"He's expecting you. H-his office is on the 8th floor, room 835 down the main hall." She said. I nodded.

"Are you okay, ma'am?" I asked her.

She nodded quickly. "Y-yes. Today is just not his day, that's all." She mumbled the last part.

I then started off towards the elevator and got in, pressing the 8 button.

I sure hoped he wasn't that bad as it seemed. It seemed like he really got to that lady, like she was about to cry back there.

If he's that rude, then I simply dont want to work for him.

I didn't care how good this offer was or that I actually got it, I can't work for such a bastard. If he is one.

The elevator door then opened and I stepped out, starting off down the main hall. His office was pretty easy to find, since it was the only one that was down the main hallway.

The portraits on the walls were all of him and his father. In one they were sitting in chairs next to eachother, in another they were both standing on either side of a lady.

Im assuming, she was his mother.

Overall, they were all so perfect. I felt so awkward to work for such a beautiful family when I wasn't at all.

But, I suppose I could get used to it.

I knocked on his door, and I heard a muffled come in.

I opened the door and saw him. Oh my...

He was so beautiful.

His bronze hair was greased back into a perfect hair style, his lips were thin but still full and pink. His nose was the cutest. And his eyebrows were perfectly going along with his piercing bright blue eyes.

He wore a black suit with a blue button up shirt and blue tie as he sat on his desk, looking me over.

He was truly the definition of perfect.

"Miss Swan...correct?" His eyes still traveled over me as he spoke. His voice was soft and velvety.

"Y-yes sir." I said.

"Yes, let me take your coat." He held out his perfect arm. I slid out of my big coat and handed it to him.

He folded it neatly and set it on the desk he was sitting on.

His striking eyes were still staring me up and down, smiling slightly.

I looked down at my attire. It was simply a pink button up plaid shirt and tan dress pants. Along with my pink flats and pink glasses.

"You look cute." He told me with a smile, making my heart skip. Did he just say I look cute? I felt like I was about to faint.

It seemed so hot in this room.

No, get a grip, Bella.

I can do this, I can do this...

Wait, no seriously it was very hot.

I felt my head and it was extremely hot. What on earth.

I then fell onto the ground. Edward hopped off his desk with shock and got down to me.

"Miss Swan? Are you alright?" He asked. My head was still spinning in circles. I shook my head no before everything went black...

I just messed up...big time.


Hey guys. Sorry I took so long with this update, I had to think of something plus I've been going through some stuff lately but Im back and Im okay.

So I hope you guys enjoyed. This will be different from the normal vampire love stories of Edward and Bella, because its all human but..

I hope its worth it to you all. Thanks for reading! Your appreciated. Updates soon. Bye guys.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2015 ⏰

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