quote ideas

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ok, so this one has some rules. You can only take up to three quotes and you HAVE to tag me on the story and give credit. pretty much what this is, is just quotes that go through my head that I know I will never use. 

1. "when life gives me lemons, I chuck them at its face"

2. " I will either be famous for killing half the world, or being a YouTube star!"

3. "My feet are cold, but I hate playing lacrosse with shoes on" (PeterParkerSimp101 actually said this, so give 'em credit too, Stephanie if you want me to take this quote off, I will))

4. "this is why I don't like kids" *points at the chaos unfolding in front of them*

5. "It's to early in the morning to die!"

6. "Don't say it quietly, scream it from the hills! everyone needs to know, my friend/boy/girl/love/child/dude/son/daughter/sweet/etc"

7. "if all else fails, we drop the magic rock into the shark tank"

8. "I'm not a hero, but I don't like the word villain. I might be out to get revenge, but I won't hurt innocents along the way. "

9. "Why can't I talk in comic sans, mum?"

10. "yes, I spit ink, no you shouldn't find that surprising"

11. "*name here* might be short, but*characters gender*  sure packs a punch!" 

12. "I'll blow up the world later! I'm eating my lunch right now"

13. "Why does your room looks like a tornado went through it!"  mom complained. I wasn't going to telling her that one actually did, so I apologized and run to my room.

14. "you think those fake words will fix my shattered heart?"

15. "in darkness we grow, in light he shimmer. No one knows where we fall"

16. "family is my strongest bound, I will leave brake it"

17. "that night, It changed me"

18. "your words are poison for my soul"

19. " You see, I can't tell you, it would destroy you to much"

20. "why did you listen to me? you know I was the traitor all along." 

hope you enjoy. have a good day/night    :)

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