Exegetical Research Project

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I go to a Christian College and there is a class called Principles of Interpretation. In essence the whole class is set up to teach you the steps of how to interpret the Bible, how to research passages, find or rather read their meaning, and find a valid application. This is all leading up to a huge paper that you turn in at the end of the class, but as you go each step of the interpretation process is turned in as an assignment. This is my assignment.

This class has stumped me for a long time, this is the third time I've taken the class. If I want to graduate this semester I need to pass this class. So, I thought if I posted it here and got encouragement from friends it might help motivate me to finish! It's not that I don't enjoy the research process, or the writing process. It's that I am really, Really, REALLY Good at overthinking and overanalyzing the process and worrying about making it perfect. Which, when you think about it, is really stupid because the whole purpose of this class is that you are LEARNING how to do the research and write the paper, and your Professor is going to help you through your mistakes and that's how you learn. I'm also stressed out about writing heresy or just totally missing the point, but no one is perfect in their first paper and part of going to a Christian College that teaches Bible classes the way mine does; is so that the students will ask questions and write papers and learn from their Professor's corrections and teachings what is truth and what is not. My final problem through this whole thing is that after I get so far behind I start to get anxious and depressed because I should have those assignments finished but I haven't yet and the semester is ending in one month!

Anyways those are my misgivings and whatnot. My mom keeps telling me not to stress out and to just, as she puts it, "Get 'er done, and turn it in!" My dad is super encouraging too, as he once went to the same school and knows how tough it is; however, he was also very disciplined and turned in all of his assignments on time soo, yeah. And yes the Professors are kind and understanding. I will be able to turn in my assignments late, but I feel like such a prick doing it you know? But that is all behind me now, I can't change the past, but I CAN change the future moving forwards! So, I am going to post every step moving forwards and complete this book by the end of November if not before!

So, join me if you wish! Love you all, and especially you Jocelyn for volunteering to help!

Ciao for now, Rapz😊❤

Steps of The Exegetical Research ProcessWhere stories live. Discover now