Chapter 3

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"I don't think this is a good idea. There's probably two girls in there who are eighteen and nothing more. Besides, eighteen is so young," Killian crossed his arms, glancing out the window.

"Would you relax? We're in the area so we might as well," Mickie said, pulling into the long driveway.

"I know we've exhausted all of our options," he sighed. "I'm tired of this shit. Let's go home."

He was tired of girls parading in front of him like he was some prize to be awarded. That wasn't what it wanted. He wanted a partner - a best friend. Someone to love him even if he got angry.

Mickie parked the car, glancing at the stern man next to him.

"Mickie, we have a long drive back. I don't want to waste my time anymore."

"I'm looking for my mate, too," he added pitifully. "Besides, I already told them we were coming."

Killian rolled his eyes, knowing his friend was just putting on an act. He got out of the car.

The monster of a house loomed like a blot of ink on an otherwise perfect sheet of paper. It was dark and looked like it was falling apart.

His wolf stirred which caught his attention. His wolf had retreated with Killian's intense emotions and had rarely made an appearance except when he shifted. It was odd that he was making one now.

The lady that answered the door reminded him of a snake. Innoncent to look at, but ready to strike at a moment's notice. He hated when people put on a show just because of his title.

"Alpha and Beta of the Moon Valley Pack. We are honored that you decided to stop here. Please, come in," she smiled, allowing them inside.

For being so dingy, the place was spotless. Someone really took their time cleaning the place.

"I'm Kate, director of this group home," she held out a polished hand that Mickie shook. Killian wasn't interested in her pleasantries. "Unfortunately, we only have a few girls at this time who are 18. We do have several 17 year-"

"Absolutely not," Killian said, cutting her off. " Do you make it a habit of exploiting children?"

The lady flushed and stammered.

"We're in a bit of a rush," Mickie added, glancing around uneasily.

"Right," she pursed her lips. "They're waiting in the sitting room. Would you like any tea or coffee?"


The sitting room was small. There were three girls in the room. Two of them were dolled up and chattering carelessly. The other was off on her own, and Killian's gaze immediately sought hers.

His heart pounded in his chest. There was something about her, something that wasn't there when he had been looking all those times before.


The house was in full chaos mode. Some high up Beta had called and informed Kate he would be visiting with his Alpha.

There were only a few that were of age, but Naomi had seen this before. Kate would try to get them to seek out someone younger.

Naomi was still recovering. She felt weak, and was certain she would never feel warm again. Yet, Kate expected the whole house to be polished before they arrived.

Some of the girls were giggling, throwing clothes around the otherwise clean room.

"I've heard the Alpha is hot," one said.

"What if he's mean? I heard he tracked down the people who killed his parents and tore their heads from their bodies."

"That's just a rumor."

Naomi was one of three to be shown. A few Alphas had visited before so she was quite used to the process. Not once had they actually chosen from the home. She didn't expect today to be any different.

"Help the younger girls eat lunch and then you can join the others in the sitting room," Kate said, heels clicking on the polished floor.

The young school girls were Naomi's favorite part of the house. For the most part they were sweet and happy to be around her, not jaded by the other role models.

"Miss Kate said we could play outside after we ate," one adorable girl said, her feet swinging as she took a bite of her sandwhich.

"Can't you play with us, Nomi?"

Naomi could feel a smile pulling at her lips, a rare sight indeed. "Not today. Maybe this weekend if I can get ahead on my work."

They seemed happy with her answer. They stacked their dishes.

"You're going to trip if you go outside with your laces untied," she said, stopping the girl with swinging legs from getting up.

She bent down, taking her foot and carefully tying them extra tight so she could run without worry.

"Are you going to marry a prince?"


The girl giggled and nodded.

"I don't think I will marry a prince," Naomi whispered. "You are the real princess. You are definitely going to find one, one day."

She straightened. "Go on and play before it gets dark."

Naomi brought the dishes to Darla before heading towards the sitting room.

She heard Kate in the foyer with two male voices. One of them rushed over her like a blanket and she frowned.

Her heart picked up speed. This felt different. Why was she so nervous?

She gathered her wits, taking a seat on a chair.

She wiped her palms on her pants, waiting anxiously to see who the voice belonged to.

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