𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔥𝔯𝔢𝔢

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"Did you know that most Loch Ness Monster sightings are sightings of whale dongs?" Stu sniggered, looking over at you from his spot sprawled out on his couch.

"Stu that's vile," you frowned, sharing a look of disgust with Tatum, who was mock gagging, "and how'd you know what a whale dick looks like?"

The lighthearted exclamation brought about 'oooh's from your friends as Stu scrambled for an exclamation, being interrupted by Billy before he could find one,

"Don't answer that Stu, nobody needs to know what you search for in your spare time."

You tried your best to stifle a laugh at Billy's remark, mentally agreeing - Stu had always been a bit...quirky (you weren't quite sure what the right word was) but that was part of his charm.

"I don't watch whale porn!" Stu argued, causing a wave of silence to settle over the four of you before you all burst into a fit of laughter.

You couldn't help but think it was a shame Syd and Randy had gone home - Syd said she was feeling pretty exhausted and Randy offered to walk her home.

"You know," Stu started once again, everyone's attention settling on him as the laughter died down and you prepared for another random fact, "I love Sydney and everything but sometimes it feels like us four are just so much better"

It was wrong for you to agree, so you stayed quiet, shooting Stu an approving glance along with a small nod that went unnoticed by Tatum and Billy - although the latter probably agreed. It wasn't that you disliked Sydney, she was nothing but nice to you - there was just something that made you feel as though you couldn't quite be friends. Maybe you were jealous of her, it seemed like the only reasonable explanation, after all, she was pretty much the perfect girl; the type to be the last one standing in a horror film.

You weren't sure what the conversation had switched to when you had stopped your mind from wandering any further, but silence had settled over everyone as if they were deep in thought.

"What's up?" you asked, watching as three heads span towards you, Billy sending you a sympathetic look.

"Just talking about the, uh, killer," Tatum mumbled, a sigh escaping her lips, "I don't get how someone can be so sick- I mean- how could anyone do something like that?"

You noticed Stu open his mouth, most likely to give a cheeky or sarcastic remark, and shot him a warning glance, in which he responded by immediately closing his mouth again.

"I know what you mean," you muttered back, wondering if the boys had told Tatum what had happened.

A few seconds passed in silence before Billy let out a loud huff, "that was a dreary note to end on wasn't it?"

"You're leaving?" you asked, feeling slightly crestfallen as he nodded,

"Yeah, think I'll go see Syd," he paused before smiling, "tell her you all hate her"

Stu stood up, grinning, "tell her there's a couple things I can think of that would change my opinion," he gave Billy a quick wink, causing both you and Tatum to exclaim in disgust.

"Just because of that I think I'll go home too," Tatum frowned, although she clearly hadn't thought anything serious of it - Stu always had known how to make the most inappropriate jokes, "it's getting late and I don't want to miss curfew."

That was a lie; Tatum really didn't care about the curfew, she thought it was far too early. Maybe the boys had told her about your attack.

"You coming?" Tatum turned to you as she stood up, giving Stu a playful glance, "I don't see why anyone would want to spend time alone with this clown".

Shaking your head, you joined the trio in standing up, "I'll get my dad to pick me up or something".

Tatum nodded, walking over to the door as everyone else followed, her and Billy walking out as you all said your goodbyes, Stu only closing the door once they were both out of sight.

"It's rare for it to be just us, huh?" he smiled, walking back to his living room with you, "to what do I owe this pleasure?"

"It's lovely to be here, good sir," you joked back, claiming his previous spot on the couch as your own, "however I have a serious matter to discuss with you".

Seeing your smile drop slightly, Stu nodded, sitting down on the floor cross-legged and looking at you intently. He had really pretty eyes - he was generally a pretty guy (although he'd probably never let you say it out loud), you often thought about if he'd ever get piercings, god knows he'd look good with them. As you took this moment to look at him properly for the first time in a while, you noticed a bruise peeking out from under his hair; it was really dark, you wondered how you hadn't noticed it before. You wanted to ask - it took everything in you not to - but you knew that if something serious had happened then he'd just brush it off anyway. It was probably for the better that you don't know what he's doing to cause such large bruises.

It took you a few moments of staring at Stu before remembering that you were meant to be telling him something,

"I want to find the guy who tried to kil- attack me, and I know you'd be willing to help. I wanted to ask you and Billy, but- y'know- he's not really here right now," you tripped over your words as you tried to explain yourself to the tall boy, who was continuing to sit in silence, "I thought that the attack wouldn't have had as much of an effect on me as it has, he didn't even do anything to me and yet I can't stop thinking about it; I'm so scared to step back into that fucking video store and if I that goddamned fucking song again I think I'll--"

You lost your train of thought when you realised how worked up you had gotten, eyes begging to well up as you dragged your gaze away from Stu.

God this was so embarrassing.

"I just want him gone - from this place and from my head but the police didn't even try and hide their refusal to believe me. I just wish this never happened."

You took a deep breath once you had finished, refusing to look Stu in the eyes as he sat silently.

"So what you're saying is, you want to be a detective?"

"No, I just want to stop him terrorising people-"

"If you're so eager I guess that would make you a sleuth-hound, I'm pretty sure that's what people call them".

His nonchalance was both comforting and irritating as he seemed to refuse to say whether or not he actually wanted to help you, "so?"

"I suppose I could help," he replied, slumping back to lie on the floor and whispering to himself, "although I can't promise I'll keep you on the right trial..."

[NOTES: Stu content anyone?
I know this chapter is a bit shorter than the others but I think if I made it longer it would've been unnecessary filler lmao.

Also !! We reached 100 reads recently !! Tysm to anyone who's read or voted or followed it's really appreciated and you guys are the reason I'm motivated to post <3]

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