Someone's Here

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There was a rapping at the door that jolted Zach from his precious slumber. He picked his head up and made a confused "hUh?". The knock came a second time. Zach groggily rolled out of bed and made his way to the front door. Without looking through the peephole he opened it. His visitor was the last person he would ever expect.

"Miles?" Zach was still half asleep; this had to be some kind of sleep deprived illusion. Why was Miles his arch nemesis of improv comedy standing at his doorstep looking? Defeated?

Miles still hadn't spoken and Zach didn't know how to break the silence but figured he had no choice.

"Dude, it's like 4am what the fuck are you doing here? And how did you find my house?" Miles didn't wait for an invitation and strolled into Zach's living room with stressed induced haste.

"I'm sorry I know it's a bad time, I-I just didn't know what else to do. I'm tired of hiding."

Zach was stunned. This was the man who gave food poisoning to his teammates, who vandalised all of their props, and lied to him about rehearsal times causing his team to almost not qualify for regionals and Zach somehow felt inclined to believe Miles was sincere. Might as well give him a chance.

"What are you talking about?" Miles came to an abrupt halt and scrunched up his face into an odd expression. Zach couldn't quite place the emotion. Miles was someone he had always thought of as immovable. Was it? Could it be? Tears?

"I'm sorry Zach."


"I'm sorry about the sabotage, the lies, my cruelty, all of it. I had always hated you since the day we met."

What an apology, Zach thought.

"You had everything that I wanted," Miles continued. He was now seated on Zach's sofa with Zach standing by the still open door.

"You had the better improv group talent wise and I knew I could never compare. That's why I always tried to ruin your attempts at success, I knew we could never win organically. You had Eugene's approval, and real friends. But no, it wasn't just that. I came to a realization tonight after the competition. I thought about all my tricks and my lies, it wasn't just because I was jealous. I wanted you too Zach."

Zach was stunned. This was Miles Zach thought, my arch nemesis. How could he? Perfect, talented, unstoppable Miles be facing a moment of repentance? And not only that but have feelings for me? As impossible as that is, is it possible that I too, share the feeling?


This had to be one of his deceitful plays.

"Miles it's late, I think I need to take you home." Zach took a few steps closer to Miles.

"Zach please," Miles begged. "I came all this way and I can't go back to how we used to be now that you know. It would be tourture."

Zach didn't have the clairity to really think the situation through.

"Look Miles, I promise we will talk in the morning and you can stay here but I can't process my- I mean your feelings right now. Let's just go to sleep and talk it out over eggs in the morning. Okay?" Zach placed a tentative hand on Miles' shoulder.

Miles' tears seemed to have slowed and he didn't seem to be repelled by this idea. So they settled on having a morning discussion.  

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2021 ⏰

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