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Let me introduce myself my name is Obsideous Nebules am a son of Nyx and champion of the all powerful creator of the cosmos, Lady Chaos. I am her second in command of the Chaotic Army. I have black unruly hair and black eyes. I am also the third most powerful being in existence my code name is Stardestroyer Pretty bad ass if you ask me. Right now I am training with Lord Order he is the most powerful being next to Lady Chaos of course.

So like I said readers am sparing with lord order

As he is 20ft tall he tried to behead me I rolled under his legs and jumped up while twisting my self so I faced his back in mid air and I extended my arm and let loose tendrils of black lightning from my hand.

I we were both circuling each other looking for an opening then he charged at me. Swinging his sword

Lord order staggered a before he regained his footing and shot a powerful blow punch at my face I went back 100yrds luckily he didn't deformed my face, thank the gods, but my vision was blurry and I was dazed but once I regained my sight I wish that I hadn't because he had a gleam of mischief in his eyes that had either Eris or Hermes wished they had (well fuck I am in trouble aren't I?) he looked up and I was afraid to also look up but my curiosity got the best of me I looked up and saw the most horrifying thing...100lbs of horse poop (yep I am screwed)

"holy shit" I cursed I looked back at him and said " please Lord don't I know what your thinking don't do it I will wash the drakons litter box for months please" I pleaded and cleaning the drakons box is not only dangerous but the smell is intoxicant.

But he just laughed and he thrust his hand downward and next thing I knew I only saw black and brown and smelled well you know...anyway at slipping I finally gt out of the dung but my lord was on the floor rrrrrrrrrrrrrr laughing his ass off I hate him sooo much.I got out of the horse stuff and made a black vortex that led me to my room I took a long shower and wasted a bar of soap and 2 conditioner and shampoo thank you so much my lord i thought. After I got out I put on black cargo pants a gray shirt an put on a black hoodie (A/N: go to and look up obsidian black hoodie until you come across a black hoodie and a symbol of a dragon with fire then u get the idea).Then I go to my weapons area I put on a quiver of arrows and sling my bow on my back get my belt that holds 2 sheaths for my swords unbalencer and destroyer then I put my other weapons hidden in my clothes.

Just then nick comes through the door I was surprised but he was breathing heavily from running I guess. "umm nick you okay there pal" I asked all he said was :Lady Chaos...her office...urgent"then he collapsed and I ran past him out the door for all I was worth once I got there i knocked at her office door.

" come in" I entered " take a seat stardestoyer" she said I took one of course " there is a high emergency so high that you must go to Earth to help them." I was shocked normally the Olympians could handle their own wars but to hear this was way to rich for my ears hehehe not so tough are you now Zeus.

" my lady may I ask whom is that there facing?"I mean who wouldn't be curious right?.

" they are facing Kronos and...sniff sniff do you smell that"

"smell what my lady?"

" it mells like asses in here ugh hold on a sec" she makes a fan appear and flicks her finger and the windows open. I felt horrible that she has to smell what her brother did to me I swear sometimes Order acts childish and chaos acts sometimes orderly or did they there characteristic mixed up but then again when lady gets chaos gets well chaotic lets just say it isn't pleasant to see lets leave it as that...also goes to lord order but when he acts orderly. : as I was saying stardestroyer, Kronos and Ouranos aweird doe if you ask me considering what Kronos did to his father the giants and titans as well. surprisingly my daughter Gaea has allied herself with the Olympians but even with my daughters help they wouldn't be enough to win the war that is why am sending you down there so you can help them win the war. do you accept the challenge?"

" I do my lady"

" then lets not keep them waiting shall we go?" she asked

" we shall" I said holding out my arm to interlock with hers and we both laughed at my gesture I made a vortex that led to the Olympian counsel.

All right people of earth tell me how u liked or disliked this pls and thank u peeps his is Obsideous Son of Nyx signing off. this is also my 1st fanfiction ever! Please put in a post to me I really need it.


I dedicate this to my friends JazzytheDaughterofHades, Blairr666,Elis Blackpool, Elizibelle

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