Dark!Marco x Reader

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Requested by my bestie queenofrandom890

Almost 4 months now. 4 months since Marco Bott died in the battle of Trost. (Y/N) could remember clearly when Jean gave the news to the others.

But no one took it harder than (Y/N).

(Y/N) had joined the trainess along with Marco, Jean, Eren, Mikasa and Armin. At first she was convinced to not have any relationships; less people to hurt when she dies.

But then along strolled Marco Bott, the cutest and sweetest guy.

I guess you could say that (Y/N) was hooked. She and Marco became quick friends all of with Jean. Slowly, her feelings brightened and bloomed into love. she loved his freckles, his laugh, and the way his brown eyes would light up when he spoke.

(Y/N) doesn't regret falling for him, she regrets that she wasn't there to save him. That day, the Battle of Trost, she rembers it clearly.

"Marco!" A (H/C) girl ran up to him, she had blood splattered across her uniform and was panting. "(Y/N)! You can't be over here!" The Freckled man fret, waving his hands frantically. "I don't care! I'm fighting with you!" The (H/C) colored girl defended herself, "but I can't bear to see you get hurt." He argued, setting his hands on her shoulders. "Now go back to your group! I promise we'll see each other again!" And there he goes, flashing a bright smile that filled the girl with hope.

'But I never did.' (Y/N) thought sadly, standing at the grave of her crush, friend, and inspiration.

Marco bott.

I turned my head as the crunching of grass and leaves sounded in my ear, seeing My boyfriend, Jean Kirstien, walk up to me put a smile on my face. Gently taking my hand in his he returned the smile and then gazed down on the tombstone. "I miss him too (Y/N). But we can't stay here long.." There was a twinge of guilt in his voice, I could tell. Nodding my head we headed back to base on our horses.

Unbeknownst to the Red eyes that followed their every move.

(Y/N) snuggled with Jean in their shared room, her eyes closed as she pretended to be asleep. Jean was stroking her (long/medium/short) hair with one of his hands, the other was wrapped securely around her waist. 'He was always afraid to loose me...like Marco...' She thought to herself.

A loud crash suddenly sounded outside the room, and Jean sprang into action. Grabbing the sword he always kept by the bed he turned to me. "Stay here." He said and slowly crept outside the room into the dark hallway.

10..20..25 minutes past and (Y/N) heard nothing. Not a peep from the closed door till it slowly crept Jean, she stayed still and content. Feeling a hand brush away the hair from her face, she realized this wasnt Jean. "Oh how I've waited for this..." A familiar voice spoke, sending chills up (Y/N)'s spine. Going to open her eyes and mouth to scream both of them were covered by hands, then a rag over her mouth. "Shh...would want to ruin the surprise now would we?"

And then it went black.

Darco watched his love sleep on the chair he had gotten for her, excited to reveal the news to his love. He watched her sleeping face, stroking her cheek he frowned when he heard the name he had come to dread. "Jean.." (Y/N) mumbled in her sleep, and Darco growled in anger. Why did it have to be him?! He was the one who had the rights to (Y/N)'s heart! Not him! As he woke up his love, a sadistic grin spread across his face. "Love..its time to wake up~"

(Y/N)'s eyes slowly fluttered open, the (E/C) irises widening as she kicked and tried to scream for someone through the gag in her mouth. Trying to calm down she looked around the completely dark room. "Good~ your awake my love. .~" that familiar voice spoke again, and walked into the little light of the room.

No. It couldn't be!

There infront of (Y/N) stood Marco bott, but...different... Instead of his happy Brown eyes he had Blood red eyes, his skin had gotten paler and he wore an eye-patch over his left eye. Everything he wore was black, and the normal wings of freedom were crossed out with an x. "M-marco?" Her voice came muffled through the gag. 'Marco' smirked and chuckled. "Yes, but call me Darco now Sweetheart~" he purred out, catching (Y/N) off guard. This wasn't the Marco she knew. Suddenly the lights flashed on and (Y/N) was greeted with an gruesome scene.

There he was, her boyfriend of 4 months, his blood splattered across the walls and his body broken and bent in places they shouldn't be. Suddenly the gag was tugged off her lips and she gasped softly. Tears forming in her (E/C) eyes. "M---Darco, h-how could you?!" She asked, and a dark chuckle came from the Marco imposter. "I did it because he doesn't deserve you. Your heart belongs to me..." He purred, planting a rough kiss onto her lips. But she struggled from his touch, Darco smirked maliciously and took her wrists in his hands. Squeesig her wrists roughly causing the (H/C) girl to wince in pain.

"And I'll take it if I have too (Y/N)~"

So how was that? Comment down below with how good it was! From 1 to 10 if you don't mind. < 3

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