moment through melodies

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Shinji and kaworu stare at each other, "shall we begin" Kaworu says,Shinji nods.Shinji had been feeling out of sorts after returning to nerv hq after 14 years,made weirder by his sudden attraction to Kaworu,although he feels like it isn't unreciprocated however,regardless this issue has been plaguing Shinji for the last day and a bit. Shinji put his fingers on the keys,Kaworu following suit.All that was on Kaworu's mind was Shinji,he longed to be with him,to see him happy.The duo start playing,they had been playing for a bit before this so they had been getting pretty good.Kaworu is the first to talk and says "Your hair looks nice today".

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2021 ⏰

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